Fish out of water

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"Fontaine has actually spent her whole life living on a submarine, do forgive her if she smells like fish!" Mr Barter's laugh seems to 'boom' out of his mouth. My great descriptions are a result of living with Ant my whole life. I attempt to laugh at Mr Barter's joke, it doesn't come out well so I stop and just smile. 

"Fontaine, you can sit next to Alia, she's getting into all the swimming carnivals, perhaps you two can become fishy friends". He points to a girl in the second row, her shoulders are very broad and her blonde hair has a slightly green tinge to it. 

"Hey", I say smiling and sitting down next to her. "His jokes aren't very funny".

"I know", she giggles, "That's what makes him so funny!" 

"That's cool that you do interschool swimming". I say, 

"Awww thanks, It's not really something I like, but yeah, I guess it's cool. You can come with me tomorrow morning to swim training. I'm sure you're great!" she grins at me revealing a big gap tooth.

"Wait, hold up... you don't like swimming?!" I muse. "Why... how do you do interschool then???"

"Nononono, I love swimming, but I just do it for fun! And my parents won't stop sending me to swimming lessons until I get my bronze medallion, so I'm okayish at it. It's good though, because I'm usually reserve so every once in a while I get a day off school!". She grins and laughs.

I know rolling your eyes at someone you just met is usually something you shouldn't do, but this girl is a total dag, I can't help it. At least I do it smiling.

"Wowww, already rolling your eyes at me! I swear everyone does that!" She covers her eyes with her hand and sniffs really loudly.

Oop, I rolled my eyes again.

"Wait!", She quickly turns back to me, eyes as wide as a puppy. "Surely you watch k-dramas... or anime, I'm not fussy".

"Uh, no... from what I've heard anime is really bad. And Korean dramas? What even are they?"

Her jaw drops very dramatically. "I've only known you for 5 minutes and you've already broken my heart", she cries. 

"hey, hey", I say smirking. "Hate to brag, but just knowing most people here haven't seen half of the things I've seen breaks my heart". 

"Wowwww, the flex", It's her turn to roll her eyes while I laugh. "I am only a tiny bit jealous, but dude, seriously, you need to watch them, I'd start with Startup, Dosan is a good guy to begin with... then maybe While You Were Sleeping, I'm not joking, Lee Jong-Suk is the guy for me...", She continues mumbling on, I don't have a clue what she's talking about. 

"It's all on Netflix by the way", she adds on. 

"We did have Netflix on the Aronex for a while, but I think we got rid of it because no one used it. My aunt Amy should have it though, I'll check when I get home", I say. 

"I'll introduce you to the world of anime and k-dramas, and take you to swim training, and in return, you have to take me on this Aronex of yours", she says excitedly. 

"Ewwww, I'll take you on the Aronex, and do swimming... but I'm not sure if I want to get trapped in this k-drama and anime world of yours!" I say laughing, she fake cries again.

Alia is what would be described as a social butterfly. As she walked me to my next class, English, she said hi to nearly everyone in the hallway, commonly using the phrase 'love your stuff', winking, and giving them a wack on the shoulder. 

When we got to English she introduced me to Yuki, we both laughed and rolled our eyes when Alia went off skipping and singing to her class. 

"Whenever there's a new student, all the teachers end up making them sit next to Alia", Yuki says as we walk into class and sit down, another girl called Beth sitting on the other side of Yuki. 

"Oh she always tells me to watch that show", says Beth looking to Yuki for help. "You know the one with all those boys yelling 'sakoi!!' i think". 

"yes, yes, Haikyuu!!!" Yuki exclaims. The conversation continued on with them asking me about life in the ocean and yadayadayada. 

I sat with Yuki, Beth, Alia, Nadinsa, Gowri, and two other girls I can't remember (whoops). They're all nice. I was shy... until Alia started recounting all the times she peed her pants in primary school, and all the other girls looked at me embarrassed. 

The bus ride home was very noisy, with people from our schools and others. I trudged through the door to my house and fell onto the couch in the living room. 

"Fontaine! How was school", My aunt Amy asked walking out from her bedroom and sitting down with me on the couch. 

"It was good", I  say nodding. "I made some friends learnt some stuff". 

"Thats great! Are your legs still wobbling, or are you a 'land lubber now'", She asks, going full pirate accent and then laughing at her joke. 

My eyes roll. 

"Oh no, your probably missing dear old smiling Finn now. I'm so sorry. Do you need a tissue?" She asked sympathetically. 

"Haha... you are so funny", Ant, of course, had to tell aunt Amy everything about Finn. I do miss him a little, but just like I miss everyone under the sea. 

The rest of the afternoon was spent chilling and watching tv.

The outdoor pool sparkles in the early morning sunlight, birds twittering from nearby... I roll my eyes as a bird I call Alia comes squawking up to me. 

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