Sort of Illegal.

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We stayed in bed for a while, until at least 11am. Boris checked his phone and got up slowly.
"Gyuri is coming in 1 Hour, want to come along?" He asked.
"To do what?" I asked him.
"Is complicated to explain, is serious business I have at Bar"
"Alright, sure. I don't have anything to do, so why not" I smiled.
I got up and went into the wardrobe to find something to wear for today.
Boris watched me as I got dressed into some jeans, shirt and a thick jacket and boots.
Afterwards, Boris got a text from Gyuri saying he was out the front.
We walked out, I locked up behind us and we headed into the lift, hand in hand as we walked down the hall and outside to the car. Gyuri was already waiting by the car door, ready to open it. He winked at Boris as he smiled at him, closing the doors and getting in the drivers side.

We sat in the back, smiling away and holding hands, a small kiss every few minutes, making Gyuri smile as he saw in the rear-view mirror.
After a while, we arrived at the bar. It looked strange during the day, inside it was empty, with only one person at the bar, the bartender, cleaning the bench and such for the next night of customers.

Boris showed me into the back of the bar, where customers weren't allowed. I followed him up some stairs to a seperate room up the top. All upstairs there were crates and boxes, and a desk by the window.
It was very interesting.
"So...what do you do here?" I asked again, inquisitively.
" complicated. Sort of Illegal." He said.
"What do you mean...illegal?"
"If....if I say, I'm scared you will not like" he looked down with a sad expression.
I took his hand, and places my other hand on his cheek. I looked into his eyes.
"Boris, I won't leave, I promise. Look, as long as you're not killing anyone unless absolutely necessary, I'm fine with it. Drugs, secret deals, all that stuff, it doesn't effect me."
"That is some way. Means I can trust you" he said with a small tone of seriousness.
"Well of course you can Boris." I told him, he held my hand and smiled.
Although we had known each other for a day, I already felt a strong connection with him, I feel as though he felt it too. Just how he was acting.

"Boris......I....I feel as though we have a strong connection with one another. I feel as though I can trust you with anything. What I told you before, about my family, I've never told another living soul. And yet with you, I feel like I can tell you anything" I admitted to him.

"I......I feel the same. I never told anyone about my past.....except one, but he is gone. I can feel connection also. I see things like this as.....fate. Is life." He took my hands and kisses me softly on my lips.
"I feel I can trust you with my life." He said.

He showed me around the office, and then we left the bar.
He said that he travels a lot, and that he doesn't live here all the time.
"I go to Germany, Sweden, Netherlands. Back and forth doing this, that. Is good to travel" he said to me.
"It can be dangerous sometimes. Not for me but........for you, it can be."
I laughed a little.
"Oh I don't mind a bit of danger"
He smiled and held my hand.
"No. Am serious. Can be very dangerous. Deadly."
"I know it can be, but I don't mind."
He looked deep into my eyes, with a look of concern.
"I......just.......just don't want you to be hurt"
"I won't" I assured him.

We got in the car, I smiled at Gyuri as he held the door open for me.
"You want to go to my place?" Boris asked me as he got in the opposite side door.
"Sure. Sounds great" I smiled.
Gyuri got in the drivers side, and started driving to Boris' place.
I leaned my head on his shoulder and he placed his hand on my leg.
Shortly after, we pulled up to his place.
I looked out the window to see a tall building. Walls so shiny, almost like a mirror.
Boris got out and Gyuri held the door open for me. Boris held his hand out for me as I stood by the steps of the building.
"Come" he smiled as he led me inside.
We entered into a fancy lobby, cream marble floors with white walls.
The lift was at the end of the lobby. Black marble and gold.
'Very Fancy' I thought to myself.
We headed up to the top floor.
It turned out his place was a penthouse.
He let me inside the penthouse, I was amazed by the sight of it all.
Such luxury he resided in. Marble everywhere, fancy couch, kitchen, the lot.

As I stood there, looking around the place, Boris grabbed my hand and pulled me in close. He pressed his forehead to mine, and caressed my face softly.
"Shall we......go to my room?" He asked me in a sweet whisper.
"Yes" I replied.
With a smile, he kissed me softly and led me into the room.

Broken Souls- A Boris Pavlikovsky StoryWhere stories live. Discover now