Chapter 23

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W a n d a

My alarm rang sharp at 3:30am in the morning, and I quickly turned it off before it could wake Vis.

Then I scoffed at myself. I was still adjusting to the fact that the man I love is a cybernetic humanoid, with the ability of turning his own brain off as he slept.

As I prepared to leave, I humoured myself with all the benefits of staying with Vis. For one; I don't have to share a bathroom with him. I never have to be the woman that has to remind the man to put the toilet seat down. How exhilarating!

He may perhaps be one of the very few men in the world that see women as true equals, as society hadn't had the chance to teach him anything different. Vis' wasn't capable of mansplaining and the overall condescension that most men excel in.

And his heart. Oh, his heart. So pure.

I scribbled out a note for him, and used my magic to pack my bag.

With one last glance at Vision sleeping peacefully in my bed, I clicked the door shut, readying myself to disappear into the night.

Now, onto the mission.


V i s i o n

The morning sunlight filtered through my eyelids, waking me. I kept them closed, as what was the point?

It will only be another day trapped in the Avengers compound, watching films and talking to absolutely no one; how unbearably exciting.

The events of yesterday came back to me in a whirlwind, and I sat up quickly, my head feeling woozy.

"Wanda" I croaked, looking around the apartment. It was empty. A neatly folded note was placed on the bedside table beside me.

'I'll be back by tonight, be safe.' it read in dainty cursive writing.

My heart sank as I realised where she might be. I should have known better, I shouldn't have underestimated Wanda's drive and passion.

She was out there, with Captain Rogers, Sam Wilson, and potentially with the metal-armed man as well. I knew the Colossal man and Clint Barton were under some form of house arrest, much like I had been at the compound.

The three remaining Avengers were out there protecting humanity whilst risking being caught by the authorities.

A wistful anger burned within me. I should have been out there helping them. Signing the Accords had seemed like a good idea theoretically, but what had it truly achieved? It had bound me into house arrest ,and caused the destruction of what little friendships I had formed during my few years of life.

Here I was, a powerful synthezoid weapon crafted from the most capable element on the surface of the Earth... allocated the very important task of watching films and warming Mr. Stark's designer couches at the compound.

I made a promise to myself. Once Wanda came back, I was going to insist on partaking in their missions, whatever the mission may be.


W a n d a

If it weren't for my magic, we would have been caught months ago.

It was ridiculous. Steve and Sam's genius methods of undercover included a black cap and sunglasses. Oh yes, that totally disguises their ridiculously broad shoulders, chiseled jawline and objectively handsome facial features from the surrounding crowds.

It also doesn't help that Sam dragged a ridiculously large cello case around (that actually held his steel wings and flight drone). He held it easily in one arm, the shape of his biceps flexing under the sleeves of his leather jacket. Adding to that, the warmth in his mahogany eyes and easygoing humour simply attracted too much attention.

Steve doesn't help either, his hair was longer now, swept up behind him and falling over the sides of his face, with deep blue eyes piercing through the strands of hair. He'd grown his facial hair too, and although it made for an effective disguise, it unfortunately also made him devastatingly handsome. He wore a pale blue cashmere sweater today that was stretched a little too tight around his built frame.

I was glad Bucky wasn't here. His soft demeanour and his heart-stopping grey eyes would have made this much harder, attracted much more attention. But he was far away in Wakanda, receiving rehabilitation for his battered consciousness.

So, a charismatic musician and a handsome hipster? It drives the women (and men) wild and they can never resist coming closer, ultimately becoming a major risk.

Why, you ask? We could get recognised, then thrown back to jail. After all, we are wanted criminals in 117 countries.

We chose this however, and this is what has become of it. We have the strength and power to literally save the world as we have before. Now we're reduced to taking down small-time crime lords that rallied behind Hydra.

As we had no more funding left from billionaires like Tony Stark and the Wakandan King, our mode of transport to our missions have had to be... economically friendly.

As we waited at the train station, a gaggle of college girls appeared. Immediately, they began squealing at each other with delight, daring each other to come over and flirt with the 'handsome hunks'.

If they came any closer, they would recognise us.

Just like many times before, I subtly rolled my fingers in a circle, sending a wisp of my illusion magic into the air. I gave Steve and Sam some undesirable features; some rashes, some flab, and the unpleasant aroma of sewage.

The girls reeled back, confused but undoubtedly not interested anymore.

"I hate when you do that Wanda" Sam sighed, sadly watching the ladies leave.

"Well, I have to" I sniffed. "Otherwise, we get caught."

He shook his head. "You killed my mojo. That's unforgivable."

"Your skimpy little moustache doesn't need my help with that" I retorted.

Before Sam could reply, Steve silenced us with a piercing look.

"Stay sharp. We're on a mission." He reminded us, his steely blue eyes glinting.

Sam nodded thoughtfully, rubbing his facial hair. "But Steve... is my moustache skimpy?"



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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