Chapter 7

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I was awoken by Wanda's urgent whisper at the break of dawn.

"Vision, wake up!" She hissed.

"What is the matter?" I asked at a normal volume. She shushed me, and pulled me out of her bed and towards her bedroom door, ready to shove me out. Something in my expression made her stop and sigh.

"If the others see you leaving my room in the morning, I... it doesn't look good" She explained sheepishly.

I still didn't understand, but decided not to question it further in fear of Wanda blushing herself into the shade of a tomato. "Shall I use the wall, then?"

"Yes, the wall. Perfect." She pushed me into the wall without warning, and I just managed to adjust my density before I could collide.

I rematerialised into my room, as confused as ever.

The sun began to rise over the next hour, and I decided to 'wake up'. I left my bedroom to join the others at breakfast in the living room.

Sam and Natasha were gulping down scrambled eggs and bacon, and Steve appeared to have just finished a large platter of it, as was evident by the stack of empty egg cartons.

"Morning." Steve greeted me. "Tony is coming over, let me know when he gets here."

"I shall" I replied. He nodded, and walked down the hall to stop at Wanda's room with a plate of food. He knocked the door timidly, and she allowed him entrance.

"Steve'll cheer her up" Sam predicted happily.

"I sure hope so" Natasha replied, not smirking for once. "I know how she feels, having innocents die at your own hands. I still remember the first time I killed someone."

"Oh yeah?" Sam replied with feeling, but a mouthful of bacon ruined the effect. "When was that?"

"1942" Natasha reminisced as Sam choked on his food.

"Man" he shivered, seemingly put off by his breakfast. "Sometimes I forget that you're like.. 90"

"Turning 88 this year, actually" she corrected.

Tony's voice sounded through the inter communication device. "In the meeting room. Ross is here."

Sam and Natasha looked at each other nervously before abandoning their meal.

"I'll inform Captian Rogers and Wanda" I said coolly, waving at them to carry on without me. Without thinking, I dematerialised through the wall into Wanda's room.

"Vis', we've talked about this!" Wanda exclaimed, wide-eyed. I appeared to have startled them.

"Yes, but the door was open and I assumed that-" I stopped abruptly at her annoyed glare. It seems as if I had interrupted a meaningful conversation. Immediately abandoning my justification, I continued. "Captain Rogers wished to know when Mr. Stark arrived."

"Thank you" Steve replied, always polite.

"I'll see you there. I'll... use the door" I said hesitantly, pointing to it. "Oh and apparently he's brought a guest"

"Know who it is?" asked Steve.

"The Secretary of State" I said meaningfully, looking between the two of them. Wanda's face paled.

I walked them to the meeting room. An empty seat up the front had been saved specifically Captain America, next to Tony Stark, whereas Wanda and I joined the others near the end of the table.

"While a great many people see you as superheroes, there are some that prefer the term vigilante." The Secretary began, studying each of our faces. He briefly paused at my face, as I knew he would. People didn't seem to understand what I was, neither did I truthfully, and I couldn't blame them when they held a curiousity.

"And what word would you use Mr. Secretary" Natasha smirked coolly. 

"How about dangerous?" He replied arrogantly, abandoning his professional facade. Setting the projector, he played a set of violent films, depicting battles that I had only heard of but never experienced. Alien spaceships crashed into the buildings of New York. Hydra powered helicarriers crashing to the grounds of Washington Dc. The third battle I knew all too well. The city of Sokovia, hovering miles above the earths surface, threatening to fall and lead to mass extinction. Lastly, he played the sorrowful event of Nigeria. I felt Wanda flinch beside me, and Captain noticed too.

"Ok that's enough" he urged. The secretary responded by slapping a book in the table, and proposed a contract that could change the dynamics of the team forever.

Sokovia accords. Approved by 117 countries. The Avengers are to operate under the United Nations panel. The way he spoke, it was as if we didn't have a choice in the matter.

"What if we come to an agreement that you don't like?" Natasha asked, her voice laced with sweet poison.

"Then you retire." The Secretary gave us a grave look before taking his leave.

An unearthly silence filled the room for a few moments, broken by Rhodey.

"Alright, let's sign it then"

Sam opposed that notion with an argument of his own. The others joined in, taking their sides. The only ones who hadn't voiced their opinion was Wanda, Mr. Stark, Natasha and myself.

"I have an equation." I interrupted

"Oh this will clear it up" Sam announced sarcastically.

"In the 8 years since Mr. Stark announced himself as iron man, the number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. During the same period, the number of potentially world ending events has risen at a comensive rate."

"Saying it's our fault?" Captain Rogers accused.

"I'm saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict breeds catastrophe. Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand."

Rhodey agreed wholeheartedly. Mr. Stark spoke up as well, talking along the same lines I had.

".... if we don't do this now, it'll be done to us later." He concluded aggressively, staring Steve down.

"You're saying they'll come for me." Wanda remarked with a shudder.

"We would protect you." I replied with benevolence. She looked at me, brown eyes filled with worry.

I struggled to hide my surprise when Natasha sided with Mr. Stark. It didn't seem as if we were going to come to a conclusion anytime soon.

Steve's phone received a text. His face darkened at the news it brought.

"I have to go." He announced curtly before taking off.

"Did he just leave? While I was talking?" Mr. Stark scoffed insensitively. Sam received a text too.

"Oh no" he moaned. "It's Peggy. She's gone."

The Unknown Emotion ~ A WandaVision FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora