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Hi! I hope you enjoy Burns chapter!

Burn: Where are we?!

Blaze: Oh, we a-re in t-he ice king-d-dom

Blister: IT IS RATHER COLD HERE. *Blaze nods her head*

Burn: Well, it is time for MY speech, I suppose??

Blaze: Yes, but mine is obviously nicer! *Blaze adjusts her jewelry and flashes a smile across the room*

Burn: Well, then let me start! Your speech was a disaster! *Blister nods and mutters something under her breath that sounded like 'It was crazy, and this one will definitely be the SAME.'*

Blaze: Please get started! 

Burn: I am! Ok. I am proven to be the right Sandwing Queen because I am obviously the strongest, I am the oldest, I have the SKYWINGS and MUDWINGS on my side, I am the 'best looking', and I have the most knowledge!

Blaze: Best looking! *Blaze faints with shock and Blister rolls her eyes at both Burn and Blaze*

Blister: Well, if we are quite finished with our morning theatrics I must get going. I am expecting a meeting with that BRAT Queen Coral and her DAUGHTER.

Burn: I am leaving!

 *Blaze comes around when her sisters are JUST leaving*

Blaze: Where are you going?

Burn: *Rolls her eyes* Home. 

*They lift off and leave Blaze alone*

*Blaze runs to Queen Glacier like a baby*

I hope you liked my story!

Remember to please post comments below! I would like to get your opinions.


Blister Blaze and Burn's speechDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora