I don't want to be your friend.

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Lena's Apartment

They won. National City was safe and calm again. The Superfriends are celebrate, as they always do after a big win. Lena had three messages from Kara, the blonde superhero invited her to celebrate, too. Lena read the messages over and over again, but she didn't move off the couch. She sat in the dark with a glass of wine in her hand. She can't go there, Kara probably invited her as a courtesy, not because she really wants to see Lena. Even though they defeated Lex together, still, Kara, probably doesn't want more than a partnership.  She is alone, and it’s better to accept that. She glanced at her wine glass, which is empty again, so she recharged it with wine and looked at the balcony. The door was open, like every night.  That was a habit, even though it’s been a while since anyone came from there.  Lena could have invited Andrea over to her house, but she couldn't have had an honest conversation with her either. Andrea used to be a good friend, she used to be more, but since then it's been a long time, things have changed. Andrea's not her lover anymore, she's just a person she used to love. Andrea’s not the one she wants, not anymore.

“Lena?” At first, the Luthor just thought she’d really had too much wine, and Kara was speaking in her head. But it wasn't just a sound, it was a scent, too. Kara's scent. The Danvers girl stood on the balcony door but she’s not yet entered the house.
“Supergirl.. I mean, Kara. What are you doing here?" Lena hung up the glass out of her hand and got off the couch. She nodded a little, signaling to Kara that she was free to come in.
“You didn't answer my messages, and you didn't even come to celebrate. I was worried” Kara sighed softly as she entered the house. She looked across the table, her eyes settled on the wine bottle for a moment, but she didn't say anything about it.
“I thought the invitation was just a courtesy, I guess no one wants me there“ Lena bowed her head for a moment, but then looked into Kara's eyes. "Go home, Kara. I'll be fine.” She didn't want Kara to leave, but she can't kept the superhero here if she is expected elsewhere.
"I didn't just come here to see if you are okay. We need to talk, Lena. I didn't just invite you as a courtesy, but I don't want to be your friend anymore." Lena knew, she knew Kara didn't want her back in her life. But saying it like that, hearing it from Kara's mouth, it seemed so official. She wanted to cry and scream because she ruined everything. She used kryptonite against Kara, stole from her, lied to Kara just to get what she wanted. Kara lied to Lena, too, that's true, but never to hurt her.
"Of course, I understand you don't want to be my friend anymore. I've done terrible things. " Lena quickly wiped a tear off her face, but she was sure Kara had noticed”
"It's not that, Lena. I can't keep pretending I'm just your friend, that I just want to be your friend, and friend only. I don't want to be jealous again when you find someone again. Because I'm jealous, I was jealous of James. And for a long time, I didn't confess to I've been saying, "That's what friends are for." I used this as an excuse for everything.” Kara paused for a moment to see Lena's reaction, but there was no turning back. She was about to confess to Lena that she is in love with her.
“ And maybe you won't want to see me anymore, but for once, I have to be completely honest with you. I have to tell you that I love you, and even though I tried to be with someone else, I just don't want anyone else.” Lena stepped closer to Kara a few steps, she had to feel that it was real, and it wasn't just happening in her dreams. Kara Danvers stood in front of her and said she love her.
“You don't have to worry about that at all, Kara, because I feel the same way. I like you, I mean this is not like. It’s love. I love you. I am in love with you. And I'm sorry it took us both so long to figure it out.”  For the first time in months, a sincere smile appeared on Lena's face.

“And I feel it, too, you know? The jealousy. I was so jealous when I heard you said yes to a date with William Dey. I wanted to be the one to take you out. And then when we get home, you kiss me and lay me down on the couch.” Kara's face had a very different kind of smile, and Lena noticed that. As much as Kara wanted to, she didn't do anything, so Lena knew she had to. Lena approached Kara and kissed her. Kara slipped her arms around Lena's waist and pulled Lena closer to herself. They've both wanted this for so long, neither of them wanted to let go of the other one. Kara felt Lena stroking her back, she was looking for something.

"Kara, how can you take off your Supersuit?" But Kara had no idea without her glasses how to get rid of the supersuit.
“You're a genius, baby. I'm sure you'll figure it out fast."

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