The judges and host

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When the lnternet began dismantling record companies, Hugh, like

thousands of record executives, was thrown out of his cushy job of

partying backstage with celebrities, doing drugs, banging hot young

women, and making 90% ot the profits on the back of everyone else's's

hard work.

After reading the Origin of Species one day, he founded the British

version of Fame or Shame and set up a record company that all contestants were obliged to sign to in order to compete.

The recent Internet video of Harrison drunk at an after-party speaking in

an upper Midwest accent is, according to Hugh, a bit of a joke he was

playing on everyone. "l'm from England. I wouldn't be from a place as

pititul as the Midwest. That's where Lazlow‘s from - but I love America. I

love the can-do spirit and the total lack of shame. Fan—bloody-tastic'' he

remarked in a statement.

Imran brings inner peace, love and happiness to the pit of contempt and

despair that is the modern day TV talent show.

Raised in India he moved to the United States and became a spiritual

adviser to the stars, often intervening in careers hung up on karmic dread

and helping people reach their true potential.

He also gets the best drugs and has tripped face with many top


After a string of pop hits in the 905 and some very productive stints in

rehab in the eariy 2000s. Anita is a charmer who can't be stopped.

Her perfume line is selling remarkably and she even released a set of

workout clothes that are, as she says "all about the booo-tay!".

Married and then divorced to 3 nearly top rappers, she loves men who

can rhyme, sing, and shower her in bling.

The man that never sits still, not in any way due to COD and ADHD, is

back to host another season of Fame or Shame. A humble, eloquent,

virile philanthropist, Lazlow shuns the limelight. That being said, as a

successful, multifaceted entertainer, he has worked in radio across

America. He's worked in all formats, from Rock to Pop to Talk. His dream

since bursting onto the radio dial as a teen in the 1980s was to take it to

the next level and be on television. He says he has never had cosmetic surgery, but ''never say never'. He's also been a successful reader since the age of 13.

Recently voted the most handsome man in America by a major online

poll, a lot of top movie producers are currently competing to cast Lazlow

in a major motion picture. He's also written a book which (after published)

will probably win a lot of serious awards.

He's available for a lot of endorsement opportunities, even medical ones,

but he doesn't use Mollis. Ever. Not that he's being judgmental. Or a

Eunuch. In fact, according to several groupie websites he showed us. He has a 'significant' penis.

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