Chapter 1

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Edward's POV

My life is a living nightmare. I have so many things wrong with my head. After all the abuse and shit that i have gone through, I don't wanna live like this anymore. I look up at the night sky, as the rain falls from it.

I sleep outside. I really don't care for it. It's cold, I'm alone, I'm pretty much always sick with something. I really hope one day that I can be free, and live my life. But as i look up at the sky i feel that someone out there is going to be there for me, whether i know it or not, someone cares.But I know I'm not gonna make it outta here anytime soon, I swear to god, I am forever damned. Forever damned to live like I am nothing but a lost soul.I finally get tired enough, to sleep. But as I fall asleep these nightmares haunt me.

It was like midnight, when I got woken up by Jane. Jane is one of the Volturi. She is a total piece of crap. I am the Volturi's prisoner, so they can do what the fuck they want with me. They mostly either beat the living shit outta me, or they... I really don't wanna talk about this, but if you wanna know, they just rape me. I'm  always in pain, from what they do to me. They have broken me. I don't think I can ever heal from these mental and physical wounds they give me.

I get dragged to Aro. Aro is the leader of this clan of shit. He is like totally some kind of bastard who thinks he's king, and really he's king of shit. I said that to him once, and got a knife taken across my face for it. Anyway. I kneel there with my head down, as i do to let him know he's stronger.  I can't look at him, because i might end up killing him.

Aro stood up, and made me stand up. I still didn't look him in the face. He took his knife, and cut my wrist. I winced in pain.  This damn bastard. I was bleeding really bad. I guess this was a punishment for something, or he just felt like it. I held my wrist trying to stop the blood. I was going to pass out. Jane took me back outside, where i sleep.

I sat there for a half of an hour, trying to stop the blood. I was losing blood so fast, i felt like just letting myself bleed out, and die. I was starting to black out. A man with blonde hair man cam over, and looked at my wrist. I was guessing that was Carlisle. Him and His family, live around here apparently. He wrapped my wrist, with something . I was blacking out to much to tell. He layed my wrist down, and looked me in the face.

"Kid I feel bad for what they have and are doing to you."

"You have no Idea what they are doing to me."

"I do. Kid.. You don't understand they did this to me, but I fought till i won. I need you to fight for yourself. Cause this world is col, no one else is gonna fight for you. Get strong kid. Fight for what you know is right."


He was walking away.



"You don't need to call me kid my name is Edward."

"Alright Edward."

I watch him walk away, and disappear into the darkness. I stare at the sky, and wonder "is there anyone out there who is gonna live with a messed a broken boy."

I miss my mother and father. They died a year before i was brought here. Then I was going to commit suicide, when the Volturi found me, and tortured the shit out of me. I was abused, and those scenes keep playing over and over again in my head. Those scenes haunt me in my nightmares, and in flashbacks that constantly remind me of the shit I've been through. Right now i feel like i could drown and not give a fuck about what happened to me. I didn't get any sleep tonight. Apparently i was some worthless soul.

Everyday when he felt like it Carlisle would come check on me. I didn't understand why he cared so much. For one thing, i was a fucked up bastard, for another, i was abused, and it dint make sense why he would actually care about a kid who was like that. He took my chains off, and walked me to his room.

"Stay here for a moment."

I stand in the hallway. Looking around at things.

"Come in Edward."

I walk in the room and see his whole family there.

"This is Emmett, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, and my wife Esmee."

"Hello." I said nervously.

"Edward you don't have to be nervous, they wont hurt you."

Yeah I'm talking to vampires. I thought to myself.

"Kids this is your new brother, Edward."

"Wait they are my family now?!"

"yeah I adopted you. Aro said that it was fine with him."

"But i've never had a family what if they don't like me?"

"Your fine little dude." said emmett.

"Oh and Edward?''

"Yes Carlisle."

"This is Alice's friend Bella."

She was the most beautiful thing i had ever seen. I couldn't say anything. I had this weird feeling. What was this weird feeling. Maybe I was in love or something? Carlisle helped me find my room.  I sat on the bed and looked at him.


"Yes Edward?"

"I felt something i have never felt before. It was when i saw Bella."

"I think your in love son."


"Your in love."

"I sort of liked the feeling."

"You will fall in love, and end up telling her, that you love her and you will getting married."

I laughed, and layed down in bed, and watch him walk out my door, and lock it. I looked up at the ceiling. I loved her huh? I really did love her. I tried falling asleep thinking of her, but it wasn't long before the nightmares haunted me again.

"Wake up Edward Wake up." I hear Carlisle say.

I wake up. My breathing was really hard, and i sat up crying. Carlisle Hugged me.

"It's Alright Edward."

"Is Edward Alright?" I hear a beautiful voice say.

"No Bella,he's traumatized, he cant stop having nightmares."

"I can stay in here with him tonight if you want?"

"Please Bella that would be the best thing for him."

I layed back down, and Bella layed beside me.

"You will be alright Edward you will be alright." She said.

I looked at her, and fell asleep, still thinking about her.

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