Rabbit Hole

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It was 11PM when Barney's closed.. As usual Kat, Carlos and a few other employees were tidying up the place before they could lock up..
"Are you sure you don't want to ride with us tonight?.." asked Vicky watering some flowers by the reception where she and Kat were taking a break from..
"Uhm, no I'll Uber home.. I'm so not looking forward to Tom having his way with me again.." answered Kat "..but thanks for the offer.." she smiled at Vicky who looked mildy disappointed.. Vicky was quite petite with brown eyes, brown skin and curly hair.. She and Kat have been working together since forever, they went to the same college though Vicky dropped out due to the scandals of dating her philosophy professor; whom she is now engaged to.. It's just funny how things turned out..
"OK. But if your car doesn't make it we're not negotiating.. Now if you'll excuse me, my love is waiting for me.." she hugged Kat goodbye and headed to the door where Tom and Mel were waiting for her
"Say hi to Ms Ramos for me.." said Kat jokingly..
"This came for you.." said Carlos handing Kat a thick brown envelope.. She jumped off from where she was standing, facing Carlos who could not help but laugh at how she easily gets scared
"Hey! You've got to stop sneaking up on me like that old man.." said Kat snatching the envelope from his hand and started going through it.. There was a stack of hundred dollar bills wrapped in an elastic band, she stopped counting when she reached $1000 and that was halfway through the stack..
"Uhm Carl, I think you gave me the wrong envelope.." Kat mumbled looking at Carl in the eyes, not missing the smug he had on his face
"Like I said, they were willing to tip you generously. You were a good host and they.. Wait.. He.. He would like you to be his regular.." smirked Carlos,
"Funny.." started Kat "..but Carl, this is literally what I make in three weeks, isn't it a bit too much?, I can't accept this are you sur-" she was caught off by Carlos pushing her out of the restaurant to lock up
"Goodnight darling, you talk too much.." he whispered through the pee-pee hole of the door with Kat already outside the building.. She rolled her eyes as she took the envelope, shoved it in her leather jacket and started walking towards the nearest shelter that was right around the corner of the block.. The streets of New York were as busy as usual, no matter what time it was.. As Kat made an approach to the bench at the stop, it was already occupied by Gregg.. At first she didn't recognize him until he looked up at her with a warm smile on his face, she knew she recognized that pair of hazel eyes back from the business dinner..
"Kat right?.." he pointed out as he got up and held out his hand , she held breath admiring how the gentleman still remembers her name, sure Barney's is crazy busy but she has been serving regulars who barely notice her; however with this man, she has only seen him for two hours..
"Yea , and you're.. Table for three?.." she winced at the last part mentally kicking herself for being ignorant..
"I'm sorry I'm not that nosey, I would've known your name if I'd asked back at the restaurant.."
"It's totally fine.. Actually I think that gives me an opportunity to formally introduce myself.." Gregg started "I'm Gregg, and it's a pleasure to meet you Kat.."
"Same here, Gregg.." she said, they stood there for almost a minute looking in each other's eyes as if they've met before and are trying to recall which event it was... without realizing they're still holding hands
"Oh. I'm sorry.." muttered Kat, nervously pulling away her hand from Gregg's grip and shoved it back into her side pocket.. They simultaneously sat back on the bench as the awkward silence lingered in the air..
"Soo.. Are you taking a cab home?.." he asked facing at Kat's direction
"Lyft, actually.. My ride is ten minutes away.." she answered, double checking her watch
"Heading south?.."
"Uh.. Not telling you where I live weird guy I just met.." she joked, trying hard to cover her chuckle
"..but yes, I Am heading south.." Gregg's phone lit up, he got up from the bench..
"Well my ride's here.." a black SUV Cherv' with dimmed windows pulled up..
"Would you mind carpooling? For the sake of the ecosystem?.." he asked sincerely, letting the door wide open, Kat looked at him in disbelief, they literally just met and he is already offering her a ride home.. She just stared at him trying to figure out what his angle was..
"Says the guy driving an SUV.."
"Okay maybe this is a bit too much, but it's late and I doubt your Lyft will show up anytime soon. So get inside, we're clearly wasting air debating about it.." he held the door for her to get in,
".. Now was that hard? .." he mocked as he joined her and closed the door behind him.. The interior of the SUV was like a dean's office all furnished in leather and wooden rims, it was wide enough, space for almost six passengers though it was designed for four passengers; you can quite tell by just looking at it that it came from a loaded person or a company for that matter ..
"Where to sir?.." a gentleman with a polite smile from the driver's seat popped his head out to the couple at the back, "Kat where can Bernard drop you off?.." Gregg asked holding his index finger up on the driver, which Kat seemed to find a bit rude especially looking at how Bernard is probably about two decades older than Gregg..
"Uh Brooklyn, 23rd street... Sir.."
As the engine started, the two fell back into an awkward silence, it was not a couple of hellish minutes later after they made a stop at what looked like an apartment building, the streets were empty.. Well except for the few homeless people digging up trash as usual.. Bernard got out of the car before Kat and waited for her outside..
"Well, thanks for the ride. You saved me 15 dollars which I'll probably need for breakfast tomorrow morning.. So, thanks for the breakfast.. Gregg.." said Kat,
"The pleasure is all mine.." he smiled at her ".. and I hope you have a good night.."
"Good night , Gregg.."

It was 10a.m when Kat woke up to a sweet smell of freshly brewed coffee, pancakes and some eggs.. The brunette made her way to the kitchen where her mother and best friend were having a bit of a chat on the kitchen island. One thing she noticed was the glow and smile Pam was wearing, it was literally the first time she has seen her laugh ever since she lost her job when the hotel got sold to the new so-called investor, so from the past few weeks she has been depressed and hopeless ; the presence of the girls kept her sane, if it was not for them, Pam would have lost it.
"Look who finally got up from the rabbit hole.."
"Good morning mother, Spence'.." said Kat walking towards the coffee pot, poured herself a cup and joined the two chatty women who were sitting opposite to one another,
"This is a lovely surprise , to what do we owe this visit?.."
"I bumped into her on my way to Starbucks,.." said Spencer "I wanted to buy us breakfast, but Pam here kindly offered to make us one, plus free groceries!.."
Kat was startled, Pam has never done that before ; unless she had a bonus at work which quite does not add up now because she is unemployed and surviving on her last bid of salary and investments..
"Um. Mom..? I thought you were slowing down on spending.."
"Oh honey, that's actually the reason why I'm here.." started Pam, passing a batch of pancakes to her daughter
"We got paid generously by the new investors. It'll probably last us a couple of months, already paid my bills in advance.." said Pam gleefully eyeing both girls, Spencer being unimpressed and Kat happy
"Really mom? That's great news, how much are talking here?.." asked Kat,
"Enough for a weekend in Hawaii.."
"Shut up.."
"Yes my darling and I'm taking you both with me.."
"Momma!! .." squirmed Kat sliding off her seat and crushed Pam with a hug..
"I don't think I like this.." Spencer admitted..


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