Meeting The Roommate

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On a Wednesday afternoon, Kat and Spencer met to catch up during Spencer's lunch break, they haven't had the time to sit down and talk, they were both working long hours and Kat has been spending most of her nights at Dominic's..

"Besides, he's old enough to be my uncle.." said Kat, she just told Spencer how she was rejected by a guy whom she thought was a perfect match for her ..
"I take it this means Dominic's no longer a place holder?.."
"We'll see.." they both laughed, Spencer almost choked on her drink.
"Anyway, there's something I've been meaning to tell you for a while now.. It's kind of a fragile situation Kat, so.. Can you please not judge me? I just need you to be my best friend right now.." Kat reached over the table and took Spencer's hands into hers,
"Spence come on, whatever it is you know I won't judge you.. I got your back.."
"Thanks .." she sighed.. "So I've been seeing someone.." she started..
"I fucken knew it! Who is it? I sit someone we know? OMG it's not Evan is it? Coz that ship has sailed.."
"No, it is definitely not Evan.. It's.. My boss.."
"I'm tired of lying to Kat, we've been dating for the past two months and we love each other.. I've never felt this way about anyone before , he makes me happy, happier than I've ever been in the longest time and I wanna keep seeing him, I want this to work.. With him, which is why I'm telling you.. For the most important people in my life to get along.."
Kat was shocked, sure she's noticed how happy Spencer has been recently and yes she figured it might be the person she's started seeing, but it never crossed her mind that it could be her boss? The same man she told her to stay away from because he was clearly playing both Spencer and the wife , little did she know that the happy couple was playing house in public whilst behind closed doors they were going through a messy separation..
"That's why you've been hiding him from me.."
"No, that's not it.. We weren't really exclusive.. Superstitiously, It never occurred to mention any of it, cause.. I didn't wanna jinx it.. Are you mad at me?.."
"No, I'm just.. Processing, I thought you didn't want to be the other woman.."
"I'm not . But that's not my place to clarify the issue to you.."
"But your boss.. I mean boyfriend?.."
"Yes.. Which is why I want us to have dinner together, maybe on Friday?.." Spencer suggested..
"Dinner sounds okay... Would've tagged cute assistant along but he clearly has his interests elese where.."
"You'll find someone who deserves you, cute assistants come and go.. Either way it's his loss.." she sincerely smiled at her best friend..
"I'm happy for you okay?.."


"What can I get you princess?.." Vicky asked Dominic who was seated next to Gregg at the restaurant's bar,
"Anything strong and cheap will do.."
"You disgust me.."
"Hey, you shouldn't talk to your costumers like that, you're lucky I'm dating your friend.."
"Ohh you're dating now, that's new.." she poured him a drink, then sneeked back to the dressing room where Kat was getting ready to leave, she was already out of her uniform,
"Babe who's up front?.." asked Kat seeing Vicky,
"Ooh just Tom and your two boyfriends.." Kat paused sorting her things,
"Gregg's here?.." she starred at Vicky who couldn't help but smirk at her..
"I knew it, you're not over him aren't you.."
"Pshh.. What do you mean over him? We were never a thing.."
"Right.... Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you're still joining us for drinks later, Mel's buying.."
"About that, I'm not sure if I'll make it .. Sort of having dinner with Spencer's boyfriend tonight.."
"Wait what? Spencer has a boyfriend? Since when?.."
"Haha I'll tell you about tomorrow cause she's picking me up in 5 minutes, we're going grocery shopping.."
A cheery Melonie waltzed into the dressing grinning like five year old.
"And what's got you in such a good mood?.." Vicky asked, annoyed..
"Wellllllllllllll, as you all know Carlos is retiring.."
"He is??.." both Kat and Vicky asked, shocked.
"Uh yahhh, it's all he talks about, don't you guys pay attention? Anyway, he signed the restaurant off to the Shaes!!.."
"Shut up.." Said Vicky.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2021 ⏰

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