Class Trial #2

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Once again we were back in the classroom trial. The reason for that is because someone killed Chihiro Fujisaki

While we were heading down I was starting to get nervous but Taka was there to reasure me that it would be ok.


We finally make it to the class trials and when we did Monokuma appeared right on time.

"C'mon everyone! You already know the drill!" Monokuma said.

We all headed to our assigned stands and waited for what would happen next.

"Now then I'll help you all with the trial! Where was the body found?" Monokuma said?

"The body was found in the girl's locker room," Byakuya said as we all looked at the Monokuma file. "The body was Chihiro Fujisaki."

"The Monokuma file also says that Chihiro was hit bluntly with something heavy.." I said.

"Yeah, your right Y/N!" Yasuhiro said. "Now that I think about was probably a pipe that killed Chihiro!"

"No that's wrong!" Makoto said. "There was no evidence that a pipe was used in the crime scene. The only thing that could have been used as a weapon was the bloody dumbbell"

"Ok so we have that but is there anything else?" Aoi said.

"Well we know for certain that Chihiro was killed in the locker during the night with the dumbbell as the weapon.... but none of us know why she went there."

"There's no need to know why she was there. I already know who killed her." Byakuya said.

"What?!" Everyone said.

"Who is it?" Monday asked. (Yall loved it when I accidentally wrote Monday instead of Mondo so here ya go :) This is going to be the only time you'll see that lol )

"Isn't it obvious? It's Genocide Jack!" Byakuya said.

I couldn't hold it but I let some giggles. This made Byakuya offensive.

"What is so funny to you Y/N?" Byakuya said to me seriously.

"Are you serious right now? Why would you think it's Genocide Jack? Hell, we don't even know anything about Genocide Jack. Nobody knows the gender, age, and what Genocide Jack looks like!"

"Oh but your wrong Y/N. There is evidence that it was Genocide Jack's doing." Byakuya said as he took out a file.

(Yall I don't remember how the trial goes lol so yep.)

Byakuya showed the file where everyone can see it. In the file were pictures of men dead and hung with scissors. Right beside the bodies was the same thing we saw with Chihiro. "Blood Lust"

(I was gonna put the picture here and then I remembered that the guys are like hanging ish and I got in trouble with Wattpad about this last time so yeah :)

"If you say is Genocide Jack then who could it be?" Taka asked.

"For certain we know Genocide Jack has one thing. Which is that Genocide Jack has Dissociative Identity Disorder." Byakuya said as he pointed at Toko.

This made Toko panic.

"Wait why are you pointing at Toko!? She can't be Genocide Jack she can't even deal with blood!" Aoi said.

"Toko can't but "she" can," Byakuya said.

"Y-You promised t-to k-keep it a secret!"

"I didn't promise anything. Now don't be shy and bring her out" Byakuya ordered Toko.

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