Assigned Soulmates

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"We are beautiful, we are gentle, we are kind and forgiving, we shall take care of our soulmates, we shall serve them. After all, what is a life if we cannot serve our soulmates? If we cannot make them happy?" Lines.

The voice speaks of those lines, teaches us those lines, embeds those lines into us, those lines are meant to be our savior. I scoff at such a thing.

"Loveheart, would you like to say something?" The woman looks over at me with a raised eyebrow that was perfectly arched and I give her an endearing smile.

"Nooo, speak to your heart's content." My voice is mocking and borderline disrespectful, but I didn't care.

"I hope your soulmate will teach you what shame is and I hope he will give you the punishment you deserve." The teacher faces away from me and starts pacing in front of the line of girls again. I bite my lip and I grind down on my molars.

"I HOPE to bathe in my soulmates blood!!!" As I speak those words I'm smacked right across the face and I stare at the teacher with narrowed eyes and she holds a victorious grin over her face and I lean back on my heels as I smile a wide grin at her. "Die in Hell." Just as the teacher raises her hand to smack me again I grab her wrist and I put enough pressure on her wrist that it snaps. She screams in pain and cradles her injured wrist as she orders the guards to drag me to solitude. The guards act immediately on her whims and I'm dragged to the west wing of the mansion and I'm thrown into a room of solitude. I huff as I cross my arms over my chest.

Well, that's pretty much what you get for standing up for yourself and standing against the system.

Let me tell you some information about this system that I speak about and let me tell you how I ended up here.

First off, my name is Anastasia Kay Loveheart. I am the youngest Loveheart in the family, well besides my sister, Xandra Hollie Loveheart.

The system we live in is supposed to be a peaceful system, a system of fairness, a system of hope. That went down the chute the minute we became a monarch society. Everyone who is less(people who were born with mixed blood, i.e. human blood) are slaves to society. They are slandered, killed, and treated unjust. One would turn a blind eye to happens to the Xiphileamorreas.

Xiphileamorreas live a hard life. They can't even leave that life if they wanted too. They are forced into slavery, forced into bonding with someone who they don't want, they are forced into taking care of children that they didn't want.

But,...some are lucky.

I might've been born in a poor family, but that family loves me. They cherish me. They protected me and I couldn't wish for a better life. I couldn't ask for a better family or husband.

The system killed him though.

The system had found my husband and I trying to escape the border, trying to escape the system. So, their punishment for the both of us was to kill my husband and to have me go to a reform school for Xiplileamorreas.

The school is where Xilphileamorreas are sorted and then are taught what they were sorted in. Most are sorted into slavery, but some, like me, are sorted into a forced bond class. Here, we are taught to love our forced husbands or wifes, to love our life as slaves, to love our forced children.

This place is toxic.

This place is brainwashing people, innocent people, and turning them into puppets. It makes my stomach turn in disgust and makes me anxious for the future. It makes everytihng feel so much worse because Xiplileamorreas are told of this place, they are told to avoid this place and I was fortunate enough to be born in a well enough family that they wouldn't have any reason to look for me.

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