Fogged Mirrors

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Walking in the middle of a blizzard was like walking to your own death, it was like you were experiencing a complete surreal moment of walking in the afterlife. It didn't matter though. Nothing mattered when you were running low on food and it seems as though you have lived in an eternal winter.

I was lost, will admit that, but I didn't know what to do. It was like I had no identity, or it was more like I didn't know mine.

/ "Joey! Jaxon!" I groan as I get up from my bed and look over to the time on the clock on my nightstand. It was 5:45 in the morning, what could she want?

I drag myself out of bed and when I open my bedroom door I'm face to face with Jaxon, my twin. We both give each other exhausted glances before making our way down the stairs as Isabella Foyer, our mother, stood at the bottom of the staircase. Her honey blonde hair was up in its usual ponytail as she had one hand on her hip and the other wagging a wooden spoon. Jaxon and I both let out a yawn as Isabella gave us harsh glares.

"I swear to the Lord himself that if your father wasn't some demigod then I would've dumped you two at an orphanage." Here we go, Isabella would give us one of her infamous speeches for whatever reason she saw fit. I rolled my eyes and Jaxon had practically dropped himself onto the step we were standing on and he perfectly sat on it. I joined him a few seconds later. "Where has all my hard work in raising you both go?" Up your ass? "Nowhere! I raised two children of a demigod and what do I get in turn? Two lazy sons of-a bitches! Do you either of you want to guess why I'm giving you a lecture?" Because dad abandoned you for a more sensible woman? "I'll tell you why!" Isabella huffed and puffed as she now started to pace the floor and with one exhale she faced Jaxon and I again. "Your school called."

With that single sentence my face paled and as I looked to Jaxon I could see their face was as pale as mine. We both gulped and I looked to Isabella again and what I saw was smugness on her face. She was glad she was finally getting a reaction out of us and I hated it.

"That right; your school called. Can you only imagine how furious I was when I learned that both of my children- of a demigod, mind you- had burnt down half of the school? For what reasons? That I did know of and so I had asked how you two had started it and imagine my fury when I learned you both were throwing FLAMMABLE liquid AROUND the science room! Oh! You both have done it now!" Isabella clenched the wooden spoon in her hand with a harsh grip and she pointed to Jaxon and I in a threatening manner. "You both better get out of my house right this instant if you don't want to be killed in the spot you sit in." With that she stormed away and as if the stairs were set on fire Jaxon and I both jumped off of the stairs and ran out of the house.

"We really pissed her off." I stated as we got far enough away from the house. Jaxon shrugged.

"What's new? We cause mischief, Isabella finds out and kicks us out of the house. Then, we're allowed back in a few days. It's routine by this point." As Jaxon says this they kick a rock out of their way and I look at them.

"You're right." My words were convincing enough, but inside I felt uneasy about this whole situation. I truly felt as though Isabella wouldn't want us back anymore. We had caused her nothing but hassle and chaos.

Who would want children like us? Surely no one.

But I kept my thoughts to myself as Jaxon and I walked in the town. /

I looked all around myself and all I could find were already chopped down trees. The fire was running low and there wasn't a tree in miles around. It brought a depressing feeling to my chest as I dragged my axe behind me.

I was running low on wood, food, and water. I was trapped in this everlasting winter and I didn't know what to do. I was on my own and I didn't even know who I was. I can't even remember the last time I saw a mirror, or my reflection.

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