Chapter One

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Despite the chatter of voices that filled the cafeteria to the brim, it felt like Floch was completely alone in it. Yes, he sat at a table with people he would consider friends. But part of him felt like he wasn't really there, his body was there but he wasn't there in spirit. It was nobody's fault, Floch didn't blame anyone for the feeling of being left out. The feeling was just there, he couldn't do much about it.

"So, what're you up to?" A voice interrupted, reaching over to take a crisp from the packet in-front of Floch. The red-head glanced up to see one of his closest friends, Jean, sneak the snack even when he was looking.

"Practise tonight, there's a big game on Friday." Floch replied, a little excited that he finally got to discuss the game he was looking forward to. "If we win this, Paradis gets into the tournament." He added happily, the idea of the tournament felt like worlds away but it looked like it could be within their reach.

Even though the other male didn't have much knowledge on the sport, he nodded along anyway. "That's sick." Jean commented, trying his best to sound interested in something that sounded like a complete bore to him. It had seemed to work, as Floch had continued grinning and went on to explain more about the game.

Not any of Floch's friends played in the team, or even seemed to like the sport at all. It didn't stop him from joining the high school's failing team, it didn't matter to him too much as long as he got the chance to play. The idea of an actual competition still lingered in Floch's mind, it was a dream of his.

The rhythmic thumping of his heart matched the counting in his head, waiting for the final whistle to blow. They were in the lead, a tremendous game had been played where it was getting close. Anxiety had built up inside every player, but they focused on the ball rather than any doubt or worry that tried to control their mind. It had been ninety minutes, an extra two minutes were given. They were about to win, they just had to keep possession for a few more seconds... just a few more to go and...

Relief flooded through each player from the Paradis team as the victorious sound of the whistle rang through the pitch. They all joined together, cheering and clapping and embracing. Paradis was on a winning streak, for the first time in years they had actually done well and been able to enter the Scouts tournament. This winning game was their ticket to finally playing in the real deal, an actual tournament which could lead them to the championships. That'd never happened before with the team.

Dark-chocolate coloured eyes scanned the field as friends and family from the stands celebrated too. What was one a prideful grin turned into a realising frown as the fact haunted him that no one had turned up to watch him.

Shrugging off the hurtful thoughts that darkened his brain, Floch turned back to his team with a smile as they shouted they were in the tournament.

It was Saturday night, everyone had gathered round at Connie's for a small party. It didn't consist of everyone, but Jean had tried to convince Floch to come along and he eventually agreed. The footballer wanted to celebrate his win anyway, he thought he deserved the break of sitting with a few friends. He could have a few drinks, watch a dumb movie and then go back home to his nice warm bed.

By the time twelve o'clock rolled around, it did not seem like that at all. Sober Floch would have no idea why tipsy Floch decided to take Marlowe's challenge of who could have the most shots. The stubborn teen did not back down, and actually won when Marlowe had to sprint to the bathroom to throw up.

The idea wasn't clearly thought through, because half an hour later Floch had stumbled around, shouted at Armin, got scowled by Jean and Eren, then again by Mikasa, and was finally settled on the sofa in the living room. His mind was racing at a hundred miles an hour as he stared at the ceiling, feeling as though the world was spinning faster but he hadn't moved a muscle.

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