The buddy squad and the scramble for pizza(not so much)

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After the long party you laid in your bed calmly getting some much needed rest. It was so calm and peaceful now that the music was over and thor was no longer yelling. Though y/n hadn't got drunk much unlike your partner you still needed rest.

Suddenly you woke up to someone gently shaking your arm, yet you didn't jolt seeing the comforting face of your best friend Peter, "hi" he smiled as you glanced up at him. "Hi" you said back sort of quietly as Peter responded, "wanna go get some pizza with me and Loki? Mister stark doesn't know". Y/n looked over and gave there sleeping partner a glance before sliding over and kissing there forehead.

After you carefully crawled out of bed you quickly grabbed a hoodie and slipped on a random pair of converse. Peter snickered, "you really wear nasa hoodie when your a superhero?" As you rolled you eyes "oh shut it Pete" your English accent still slightly strong. As you two walked down the hall it was relatively quiet in the tower other then the faint sound of someone watching tv, which the two just guessed where Wanda or vision.

Y/n sighed as Peter nudged there shoulder "so you and yso/n?" As you blushed slightly "yes since uhm, since." As you paused for a moment your memory still fairly hazy after the last time you used your powers. Peter glanced at you a tinge of worry appearing in his gaze that you tried to help scare away with reassuring complements. Before you two Finally got to where Loki stood.

Compared to Loki's Thor seemed like a giant but to Peter and you, Loki seemed to be the taller as he joked "hey it's arachnid man and.." before just giving up, "glad to see you brought your friend, mister or miss" you smiled at Loki's consideration for your pronouns. It made you glad that even in a profession like this even past supervillains could be kind.

As the three began to walk down the hall the made sure to stay quiet with there voices and there steps. Loki asked you to try and use your powers just so he could see before Peter explained it could harm you and Loki frowned softly, "sorry to hear.." before he paused and muttered "well shit-" before he grabbed the arm of someone who was about to stop next to him.

With a blur of blue y/n and Peter look up to see none other then the man himself, Pietro maximoff. Pietro casted you and Peter a glance as his sakovian accent came on strong "sneaking out now are we?" As you hang your head low "sorry pietro", to which he replies with a small laugh. "No no silly left head no need to ashamed, I was just going for a walk myself and heard your tall trickster friend here leave buckys room"

Y/n and Peter shared a glance before Peter said, "why were you in buckys room?" As Loki face palmed and muttered something in a language you nor Peter understood. Pietro snickered as he watched Loki get ready to explain the situation, "after, well actually no during the party, I had a few sips of wine and mister Barnes had lots, and I mean lots! Of alcohol. Mister Wilson convinced him to strike a move on any lady or man within a 10 mile radius and he happened to see me". As Peter and you looked at each other with wide eyes before saying in unison, "you slept with Bucky-?" Adding a questioning tone at the end.

Pietro said, "enough if this uhm, talk let's go get this thing we were going to get" as you chimed in "pizza!" And Pietro appeared excited and grabbed Loki's hand just for Loki to shove him away a moment later. Pietro stood with a grunt and walked with the three of you at a normal non superhuman pace for you and peters sake. Pietro nudged your shoulder "how are your powers coming?" His accent still rather strong as you replied "still draining.. if I had used them much longer tony said I could have died" to which the whole group seemed to have there hearts stop for a moment.

All these people meant something to you, something important, even if in the slight sense and the fact you could have lost them pained them all. Pietro tried to change the subject "so that guy erhm, hawk eye? I believe his rather uh-" as Loki cut him off "rather stupid, short and repulsive, does he even have any special abilities?" And you and Peter just shrugged. Pietro huffed and muttered something to himself in sakovian seeming upset that Loki had insulted Hawkeye before Loki chimed in "unless your into short ignorant dilfs" and Peter bursted into laughter.

"Dilf?" Peter repeated back laughing some more as y/n sighed "I regret teaching him slang" before Pietro twisted his head slightly to the side "dilf?" He repeated in a strong accent. As Loki explained the word and Pietro tensed up a bit "I would never! He's a friend!" And the three of you just kept snickering as you walked and Finally got to a elevator that you four piled into.

Once you for finally began down the street Loki and Pietro stayed behind you because you two were merely 16 year olds out way after dark. Every now and then people would glance at you four and think Peter and you were siblings and that Loki and Pietro were your fathers which you all seemed fairly disturbed by. Since you had learned shortly minutes ago that Loki has some homosexual feelings towards Bucky and that Pietro 'wasn't interested in dating anyone' it bothered you. You knew it shouldn't but it did.

When you arrived at the pizza place it was calm and quiet and y/n and Peter shared glances wha'll Pietro said "I want a slushee" and Loki protested "and I want cinnamon sticks" as you said "let's get both" and the three agreed. Once you three got the cinnamon sticks and slushees you sat down and enjoyed them only to find that Loki had ordered no frosting, just the cinnamon sticks. Which you all agreed that Loki was never allowed to order any of the future times you came, which there would be more, Loki promised such.

Before you knew it you four got back to the tower and went your separate ways before mister stark caught you. It was a nice midnight outing. You could Finally go to rest at 2:30 in the morning. This was the life.

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