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"what..?" akaashis mouth went dry as he heard the words that slipped out of his best friends mouth. "me and kuroo are dating!" bokuto said, way too cheerful for akaashis liking. the smaller of the two felt his heart shatter when he heard it a second time.

"that's.. that's great. i'm happy for the both of you" he nodded and cleared his throat. bokuto smiled and laid back on the couch of the common room, he knew that akaashi wasn't the greatest at showing emotions or feelings and he understood that. bokuto had adapted to akaashis somewhat emotionless persona and has grown to know akaashis genuine feelings. "thank you, akaashi! oh-!" the black and grey haired boy sat up straight and looked at akaashi "did you hear that we're changing dorm mates?" the younger of the two hummed as he watched bokuto carefully "we are? oh, good to know.. do we get to pick?" akaashi asked.

bokuto shrugged "i dunno. i think so..? but i'm not sure." akaashi nodded and went back to reading, despite the pain in his chest as he saw kuroo walk into the common room and sit with bokuto, kenma lazily trailing behind and sitting with akaashi. kenma looked at the couple before signing quietly and going back to his switch. this caught akaashis attention and he looked over at the pudding-haired boy "i'm guessing he told you?" kenma nodded and slowly looked up at akaashi "yeah.. he told me this morning.. they've been dating for over a month and just now tell us..?" the cat like boy scoffed and put his switch away. akaashi nodded in agreement and shrugged, closing his book "at least they're happy, right?" he smiled sadly as he watched the couple on the couch "yeah.. as long as they're happy" kenma nodded and took out his switch again, trying to distract himself from what was going on right in front of him.

"we get to pick our dorm mates" kenma said, trying to switch the topic "wanna be mine?" akaashi smiled and nodded slightly "yeah, of course." his smile dropped slightly as he saw kuroo and bokuto kissing, immediately turning away and back to reading his book. "come on, let's get our stuff moved into the dorm" kenma said as he got up and walked ahead, his switch hanging lazily in his hands. akaashi grabbed his book and followed kenma to his dorm, helping him move everything to akaashis dorm. when they were finished, kuroo and bokuto walked in "guess we aren't rooming anymore?" bokuto chuckled and akaashi looked over at him, slightly smiling "kenma and i thought it would be a good idea to let you two room, considering you're dating." kenma hummed in agreement as he played his game on the bed. "okay.. then i'll pack my things" bokuto nodded slowly before starting to pack his things with kuroos help.

when the couple finally left, kenma and akaashi looked at each other and sighed, each doing their own thing to take their minds off the fact that the people they were in love with are both in a relationship with each other.

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