Chapter 2

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Lexi's POV

I felt the heat of the sun touching me and its light shone through the window and lit my whole room, Oh my god..why didn't I hear the alarm? Did I just miss school time..? I jumped out of the bed and checked my phone, it was still 6:42 am, Pheew, thank god. I woke up and went downstairs to see whether my mother is awake or not yet, she was sitting on the sofa, probably watching TV, I took a seat beside her. "Morning
" I said. "Wow.. what makes you early today?" She asked while nail polishing. "I don't know, maybe I got some beauty sleep yesterday or something" I laughed. She hit my arm playfully and smiled. "So, princess, I guess you have to go grab a fast shower while I prepar your royal breakfast" She yelled while getting up and heading to the kitchen. "Of course, your majesty" I yelled back and climbed upstairs again to my room. I took my towel and entered the bath. I quickly washed my body and hair, and put some body lotion. I got out of the shower and went to my closet, I picked a white top that said 'I love Nutella' and dark jeans and a light brown cardigan. I quickly got dressed and went to do my make up, I put a layer of foundation and some mascaras and a pink lip gloss. I straightened my hair and put some brown sandals. I picked up my backpack, some books, and my earphones, I put my phone into my pocket and grabbed my car keys. I went downstairs and ate my breakfast, some bacon, eggs, toast and cereal. "Take care honey, good luck" My mom said and went upstairs to get ready for her work. "Okay, I will, love you." I yelled and got out of the house and shut the door behind me. I jumped in the car and started to drive. I decided to put some music because it was boring, I turned on the radio, it was Teenage Dream by Katy Perry, she is my hot queen I'm totally in love with her. I sang along with the radio until I arrived, I parked the car and entered the school. I quickly noticed Drew and Lauren and I ran to them. "MORNING SUNSHINES" I yelled at them and hugged Lauren. "You scared us, weirdo" She said and hugged me back. "Good morning, Lexi" Drew greeted me. "Guess who is in a good mood todayy" I said while playing with my hair. "" Lauren asked while looking at me strangely. "You are always in good mood, I don't get what's new here.." Drew said and Lauren laughed then they highfived. "You guys are party poopers." I sighed and went to my locker to grab my things for the history class. We entered and took our seats. History is just..shit.

[Skip to the end of the day]

"Guys, how about a sleepover next week?" Lauren suggested because we were talking about how bored we were. "Yes yes Let's have one yaaaay." I yelled jumping up and down. "Sure, but, Can I bring my friend? C'mon you are girls, every time you spend your time doing your weird girly things while I just sleep." Drew asked begging us, awww poor Drewy. "Yea sure." Lauren and I replied back. "Guys, I have to go now I have work." I waved goodbying them and left, they waved back "See you tomorrow."

I arrived home and my mother was still at work, so I went upstairs and changed to some high baggy shorts and red tank top. I jumped to my bed and checked my social media, I surfed Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and chatted with some friends from school. It was 2:39 so I went to the bathroom and took a fast shower then I put a short jeans that ends to my knees and a pink Polo t-shirt, I put my white snickers and threw my hair into a high ponytail, I passed by the kitchen and grabbed and applr then I made my way to my car. I was already work at 2:57 pm, I saw Trevor so I greeted him. "Hey, how are you?" He said while he was putting his uniform. "Better than you I guess." I teased him then we got ready to have people's orders. People started to come and we were doing nothing except that we're typing orders and send them to the main kitchen, it actually was boring, but then a group of 4 boys I guess entered and stood my the door of the place, probably they were checking the menu, it was normal until I noticed that there's one of them who stares at me strangely, I was going to turn to ask Trevor about it but he wasn't here. Perfect. I kept acting that I don't see him so he just smiled and looked away. Trevor came and said something to my ears. "He thinks you're cute." He whispered, I looked at him and whispered back. "How did you know? Did you hear him?" He just nodded. The boy had brown hair and green eyes, I admit he was cute okay. I was safe until he started to come closer to the cashier. Okay I was nervous, why am I nervous, I shouldn't be. He finally arrived and he was about to order. "Hello sir, how can I help you?" I said in the sweetest way I could, we are serious here. "What's your nam- NO NO, I mean..Can I order?" He said quickly and I blushed. "Yea sure." I replied back. "I'll have one cheese burger, without cheese." He said smiling back. I laughed. "Any drink sir?" I asked. "Yea, some Cola I guess." I nodded, he paid for his food. "Don't forget the cheese" He winked and went away. Seriously? I got that he was trying to flirt here but this has nothing to do with cheese. I laughed to my self again, he is actually nice. His order was ready and Trevor forced me to go serve it to him. I went to his table and put the food gently. "Here you go." I smiled and said. He quickly turned. "Oh..thank you." He said and put that amazing smile on his face again, oh my god. "Lexi by the way." I said while turning to leave again. He quickly stood up and turned to face me. "Caleb by the way." He said. "Okay, so..see you later, Caleb." I replied to him and went away. "I hope." I heard him saying behind me. It was 4 pm now so I had to leave. I goodbyed Trevor and made my way to the car. A black sporty car stopped just in front of me. It was him, Caleb. I smiled and he got out of his car. "Want a ride?" He asked smiling. "I already have my car, Caleb, but thank you." I replied. "Oh, I'm not so lucky today then.." He said while passing his hand through his hair. "Let us meet again, you already know the way so.." I said while referring to MacDonald's. "Sure, see you later, Lexi." He winked and got into his car again and left. I went to mine too and made my way to my house. It wasn't a bad day after all, I smiled to my self.

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