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I did't screenshot this, but I'll tell you—

—I was playing Blox Life ((of course)), I was wondering when my friend ((Joey)) was gonna join. I was behind the Cinema to have some me time and then, this user named "imnew827" teleported to me. I was wondering why he was here, he sniffed my hair and called me "darling"—

—After that, I told him "this is awkward". He hugged me from behind tightly and said "I'll steal you from your b". He friended me afterwards, I told him "A noob like me?! Please". The sweetest thing he said was "Avatar looks don't matter, what matters most is personality". I told him "We'll see about that" <— That's true. You always have to question yourself about the situation to see that they're not playing you.

After awhile of private chatting, he said "I gtg". I was about to say "Okay, uhh bye", but he left, just when I was about to say "bye". Few minutes of talking to myself, I got off Blox Life and to my surprise, Joey was playin' Blox Life too?!?! But, he didn't join my server — He played a different server. 😕    

((Those of you who are my friends in ROBLOX, DON'T tell Joey this, but... I like-like him. Ever since I met him last month, I had feelings for him. I'm scared he won't accept me, he probably likes another girl right now.))

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