Another thing happened yesterday...

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Of course, I'm addicted to Blox Life. 😂😂😂 Guess what happened yesterday... 👇🏼

This girl called me "stupid" and "ugly"

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...This girl called me "stupid" and "ugly". I reported her and blocked her, no one and I mean NO ONE calls me those names. I told them, "Ppl are beautiful the way they are, have you parents ever told you".

And before I play Blox Life again the next hour, this happened... 👇🏼

The ones I circled, the guy on top says the other one I circled is racist for speaking Spanish

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...The ones I circled, the guy on top says the other one I circled is racist for speaking Spanish. And the one I circled ((the blonde haired)), he said, "How's that racist". I just had to screenshot it, everything happens on Blox Life.

And for this one... 👇🏼

I made a friend on here

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...I made a friend on here. 😊 She's really cool. She and I talked for a bit, walked around and... we got separated by these guys holding strollers. 🤦🏻‍♀️ They keep separating us, I had to find her and she had to find me. After awhile of searching, she and I left the server — She friended me on ROBLOX, tho.

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