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I don't need a reason
To keep on dreamin'
That we don't lose, yeah, what's the use?
I don't need a reason
To keep on dreamin', oh
That we can win at anything at all


You're alone at your house

Luck is not by your side at these times

Problem by problems are hitting up on you but the one that lingers through your mind is the thought of Chaewon and Jin-hyeok coming back together (again)

Even though there's a possibility that all of your theories and shits are true

You muster up a courage to confess right now to Chaewon

Without any further ado you run quickly to her house

You don't know what to say, no gifts to give nothing just your heart thumping heavily and mind constructing words on how you will confess

But what comes next is what you mostly expected

Just Jin-hyeok and Chaewon all cuddly and sweet

They're still not know your presence in her house

[Your own thoughts] i guess this is not the right time

As you are about to exit someone shouted your name

Chaewon: Hey (y/n)

[Y/N]: yeah hi (fake smiles)

Your run back to your house as fast as your tears fall down in the cold and lifeless floor

Chaewon P.O.V.

She stands up to follow (y/n) but

Jin-hyeok: Hey babe, Where you goin

Chaewon: I- i'm just gonna check (y/n) for a minute, i think there's something wrong

Jin-hyeok: Don't bother he's strong he can handle it on his own

Chaewon: o- okay

[Chaewon's thought]: i wonder what's wrong with him/her

Chaewon has been thinking so much that he didn't notice the movie they're watching is already finished and her BOYFRIEND is snapping his finger in front of her

Jin-hyeok: Hello... Hey babe you okay?

Chaewon: ah yeah i'm okay let's just sleep i think i'm too tired

[Y/N] P.O.V.

Now here he/she is thinking about many questions

What does he have that i don't?

Did i do something wrong?

What did i do to receive this much pain?

(y/n) is bawling his/her eyes out until a ring can be heard through his/her phone

Seeing it's Minju is the one who called he/she just ignored her

He/she doesn't have any energy left to form a sentence while crying

He/she just slept with a mind picturing the phenomenon that he/she had seen and a heart full of torment, agony and pain

[Your own thoughts]: This is the thing i'm very scared about being

Unlocked ( Kim Chaewon x male/fem reader )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora