Chapter 1

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Present time

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Present time.
July 2020.

That worn down gray warehouse burning up into flames, every bit of lingering innocence that was once a part of me burning away into ashes with it. As he sits inside, everything he ever built, his legacy disintegrating around him just as the flames take him as well. And after I soak in that sight, I walk away from him, from the warehouse that made me into the monster I am today, a satisfied smile on my face.

That's the picture that replays in my head as I sit at this fucking desk, popping my knuckles, a drink sitting down in front of me on this black marble countertop. Ever since I stepped out of that warehouse three years ago, that same image has swum around my head. It has never left, just as the person I've become hasn't. I'm stuck with her.

But as Zayn likes to say, I don't have to be the person Axel made. I can choose my own path. Do I think it's complete bullshit? Yes I do. I think after everything we've been through- I've been through, there's no way to come back from that. And this continuation of false hope will only leave you disappointed or dead in the end. Plus, why do I have to resent who I am? I don't pity myself. I won't sit back and whine about what I could have been when this is how it is. I have to live with it and I've learned to live with it.

Thinking back on three years ago, most of it is a blur. I remember the blood soaking my hand, the screams, the running. That's what most of my memory consists of. After I had finally gotten Zayn and Rose back, we did a lot of running together. Hiding in random alleyways, in abandoned houses until I got tired of running. Got tired of fearing him. We ended up at a bank one day, and at this time, I was just exploring everything that I can do. I was beginning to try and figure out this new skin I was living in.

Long story short, I ended up getting frustrated with the man at the desk. Reasonably so, he was being an arrogant ass. I demanded that he had let us in and to give us the passcodes to everything, and to my suprise, he did exactly that. I did't know what the fuck I had just done, but at that time I was so desperate to even question it. We had gotten the money we needed, wiped the security footage and left.

And now here I am, sitting in our house that we got. Was it with stolen money and manipulation? Yes, but still, our house. And fucking hell, picking out the decor of it all was a argument. To which I would always end up leaving and having to get my frustration out elsewhere. Which always ended up with blood on me and adrenaline coursing through my veins.

That feeling is something so indescribable. I thought before all of this adrenaline was incredible. That pick up of heart rate and that excited feeling that makes you want to jump out of your own skin. That is nowhere near compared to now. It feels like fire and ice shooting through my veins and my body just moves without me. My mind goes quiet and it's just me and the havoc I'm making.

Not long after we got this house, we had all realized I was able to do things that they couldn't. How that man at the bank had done exactly as I wanted like he had been compelled to do so. How my body healed faster than theirs. How my strength was about ten times theirs. We learned that something was different with me. I was Axel's first experiment and after me, I destroyed every serum in that warehouse, every last bit of paperwork. Everything. What he used to create me, that all was gone. Hence why, everybody he's made after me is different. Weaker.

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