Chapter 15

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H A N N A -
We all had a sleep over and watched a bunch of movies I was super excited. First,we watched Expelled with our good friend Cameron Dallas in it and then we watched The Maze Runner. I fangirl so hard when ever I see Dylan. After two movies and 5 bags of popcorn. We all got on the floor or in our beds and slept. Jack and me got into bed together and we were spooning.
"I love you Jack "
I love you too babe"
The Next Morning
I woke up around 9:15 and I saw that I was in Jacks warm embrace . I quickly kissed his temple and me woke up. handsome af
"Good morning Hann" he said in his morning raspy voice
"Good Morning Jack you ready to go shopping and then go to your big meeting"
"Yes and who said we were going shopping"
"I did "
"Fine, as long as I can pick you out somthing"
"Okay "
We quickly ran downstairs and grabbed my car keys and wallet and ran to the car.
J A C K -
We got in the car and drove to the mall.
"First stop , Victoria's secrets"
"No Jack first is forever 21"
" Then VS"
"Don't get to happy "
"Okay "
We got out and went to the entrance and walked into the vans store
"Jack aren't you a little obsessed with vans"
"Maybe, but I wanna get us a matching pair"
"Okay "
"Do go on pick them out "
I was stuck between black ones or gray ones
"So babe you pick any yet"
"Okay I think you should get the gray ones so on tour we can match"
We paid and left the vans store
"Now forever 21 "
"Yay, "
I ran in there and got some clothes and only spent 150 when I normally spend 500. I was so happy then I finally went into the store Jack wanted me to go in. I only needed a bikini and some shorts I told Jack to get me his favorite bikini. I went to the short section and picked out a few pairs.

J A C K -

I went to the bikini section and picked out a pretty pink and black one and I brought it too her

''' Wow, how did you know that was the one I wanted''

'' Really''

'' Ya''

'' you ready?''


''My treat''

''You sure''


'' I love you Jack''

'' Me too babe''

We payed and walked to the Starbucks to meet up with JJ and the manager


Me and Amanda ordered cotton candy frappicinos and sat down and waited for them to be done hopefully it goes well.....

A/n : I hope you like make sure you...




cause it makes me happy
Btw.Sammy won


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