'Till .... School do us part?

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3rd POV

The end of the year was nearing closer to the students at Hogwarts. For some, they couldn't wait until they got back home and for others, they dreaded the end. Amongst those others were the Year Sevens. Arabella was wracking her brain at the thought of what would happen to her and James's relationship once they leave Hogwarts. She couldn't help but feel guilt from the way that she treated the man that she now loves over the past few years. 

Ever since the two have gotten together, all of Hogwarts saw them as the power couple. A perfect contrast, between two perfect people creating a perfect love. Of course, all of that was true. The pair were happier than ever and loved each other endlessly. 

It wasn't that Bella was having doubts about their relationship but she was simply worried that perhaps they were only this happy because they got together due to the forced assignment in Muggle Studies. As the year was coming to a close, their assignment would come to an end and they would no longer be 'married'. Bella held her knees tighter to her chest as she sat on the sofa in the Heads Common Room waiting until James came back from his last class of the day. 

At that moment the portrait door swung open revealing James. "Hey Babe" he said smiling at the girl happily. He walked towards her and pecked her lips before seating himself next to her and wrapping his arm around her pulling her closer. Bella smiled and leaned into the embrace. James sat next to her in silence, the two simply enjoying each others company. Bella frowned slightly at herself for thinking those things. She was with James because she wanted to be, not because she's forced to. Of course the Marriage assignment might have given her a bit of a nudge but other than that she truly believed that she would have found her way to James no matter what. "I can't believe we're leaving Hogwarts in a couple of months" said James as they looked at the fire place in front of them. "Me neither, but the good thing is that we had an amazing experience" she said smiling up at the boy. James looked into her eyes and smiled then looked back at the fire place. "I've got to say, spending 7 years with my friends that are also mainly my family and chasing a wonderful girl, has got to be one of the best experiences I will have, also seeing that I got the girl in the end." he chuckled. "You're not wrong, being with friend, avoiding a boy and falling for said boy, for 7 years has got to be an experience that I won't have again especially in school." She turned to him and kissed his cheek. 

"I'm going to head to library to finish up my part of the final assignment for Muggle Studies" their professor had assigned a final essay for each couples explaining their experience during their time as a married couple. Bella stood up grabbed her bag from the side of the sofa pecked James on the lips quickly, wished him goodbye and headed for the Library. James sat there with a goofy smile on his face and looked up towards the ceiling. 

"I got the girl grandad, just like you"

Timeskip (inspired by 10 things I hate about you, ily Heath Ledger)

"Do you remember in Year 6 when we had this Muggle Studies Assignment to rewrite  William Shakespeare's Sonnet 141 and you missed the day of presentation because of a Quidditch Accident that landed you in the Hospital Wing for 3 days?" asked Bella as she lay on Jame's lap under one of the tree's in the courtyard. James chuckled at the memory, "Yeah, apparently you cried during your presentation, you never told me what it was about" he said as he brushed through her ebony hair. "The reason why I didn't tell you was because my rewritten Sonnet was about you." she looked into his eyes waiting for his reaction. He grinned and spoke "Oh yea? Do you remember how it goes because I would to hear my Arabella say the Sonnet written about me" he chuckled and bent down to kiss her cheek. "Don't get too excited because Sonnet 141 is about inner conflict and slight hatred for the person spoken of." he frowned but nudged her to go ahead. 

Bella closes her eyes and started:

I hate the way you talk to me, 

And the way you cut your hair. 

I hate the way you ride your Broom. 

I hate it when you stare. 

I hate your Red Hogwarts Robes. 

And the way you read my mind. 

I hate you so much it makes me sick. 

It even makes me rhyme. 

I hate the way you're always right. 

I hate when you lie. 

I hate it when you make me laugh. 

Even worse when you make me cry. 

I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't write. 

But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you- not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all. 

Bella opens her eyes and looks up at James. She sits up and faces him. "I made you cry?" he asked looking like a sad pup. "My deer (HEHE), I cried, laughed  and hated you all at once because I was too blind to see how much I loved you even before the Marriage Assignment. I've been thinking a lot about what the Assignment has done to our relationship and I was scared that the Assignment was the only thing keeping our relationship going and once it was over you would realise how horrible I've been to you for the past 7 years and I wanted to show you that it's not the Assignment that got me to love you, I've always loved you and the Assignment only gave me a nudge and opened my eyes to the man that has been there the entire time rather than the obnoxious boy that was making dirty jokes from the 2nd Year on. I love you James and you have lead me on a roller coaster of emotions my entire school life and I take up all of the insults that I said, even the good ones because you aren't a toe rag, you're this handsome, funny and loving man that I hope to keep by my side forever and--" she was cut off by his lips on hers

 I love you James and you have lead me on a roller coaster of emotions my entire school life and I take up all of the insults that I said, even the good ones because you aren't a toe rag, you're this handsome, funny and loving man that I hope to k...

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"You love me?" he asked pulling away and looking into her eyes. She nodded frantically, he smiled and kissed her again, "You love me and I love you, that's all that counts. We're going to leave Hogwarts start our lives, you'll start your apprenticeship in St Mungos and I'll do the same in the Auror department at the Ministry, once we've got on our feet, I want you to move in with me in an apartment and then we'll start out lives together. I know that we're not ready for marriage but until we are, I want to spend everyday with you as though we never left Hogwarts. Once we're ready, I'll make you my wife and until then I will love you just as much as I have all these years and it will grow and blossom just like it has from the very beginning" Bella smiled at the boy, no, man (cuz James is BUILT) that she loves and kissed him whole heartedly. They stayed there and reminisced about their years at Hogwarts. 

In the next Chapter it's their final week at Hogwarts and then it's the end of this story. I haven't written in a while because I found that a girl at my school has been sharing this book with almost everyone and obviously it's not something unexpected since this is a public platform, but that really messed with my head and things aren't too good up there at the moment. But writing this story really has been amazing which is why I decided to open a new account where I will write more stories and of course if you want to drop any suggestions for the next story just let me know. Here's how you'll find my account. 

Musical Artist that wrote Folklore (first 3 letter + s) 

Actors last name who played Ikaris in Eternal (First 3 letter+s)

Anyway bAIIIIIIIIII, see you next chapter 

Also f*ck you A 

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