This book:

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Look at the photo above and if you believe what it says you are immediately one of my friends. Just saying, I will not hold it against you if you don't believe some of the things above but if you do, *pat, pat* good job!

LGBTQIA: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, and Asexual and/or Ally
(Just clarifying)

So, because I have no plan for this book I'm going to tell you a little about the first real moment I was exposed to, and relatively understood what this community was all about.

So. Do you know the show Andi Mack? If you do you'll probably figure out where this is going.

So I started watching Andi Mack right after it aired. My mom also really liked it because it was a bit unconventional in some ways. It was about a creative girl with short hair and her amazing friends (and crush.)

Then the episode "Hey, Who Wants Pizza?" came along. Cyrus Goodman (probably, my favorite character) came out as gay. GAY! I didn't understand it at all. Then my mom was like, "He likes boys." and my mind exploded.

The end.

P. S.  I'm a HUGE Tyrus shipper!!! I love just those two so much!

P. P. S.  I actually only recently re-discovered this show and now I love it even more.


Bye bye, now!

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