eleven o'clock

32 2 17

title • eleven o'clock
date published • 22 april 2021
word count • 198

mom's downstairs, writing (stressing)
an apology to the principal at the school she taught at
before moving to this goddamned country

a's on tiktok again, (quiet, tho.)
usually she dgaf about offending parents. (usually her volume is max.)
but today mom's at her breaking point and a knows it. (headphones in.)

dad was working when we ate what i baked
it was all gone when he arrived at the table
he's a programmer, see

if idoanythingwrong:
    print ("fear for your life")
    print ("safe for another day")

i spent 8 minutes in the shower
too long, especially on earth day
but my hair's gotten long again

cinderella's life was done at 12
run away from the party, cinderella
forget you know what freedom is, cinderella

our lives end at 11
you should be in bed by 11, y
mom needs to turn in her apology letter by 11, too

im icing my face with the frozen peas again
hives, almost every day now
is it stress or allergy or bug bite

tomorrow, everything will be well again (i lied)
tomorrow, discord and shadow and bone and overdue (i promised)
(tomorrow doesnt give a fuck. it'll probably break my promise/lie)

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