First night

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As suspected I had to sleep on the mattress but it wasn't comfy. It wasn't my bed. I wanted my mattress so bad, it was so soft. I couldn't deal with it, or Paul's snoring. Eventually I grabbed my blanket and guitar and trudged down to the living room. I sat and began playing guitar very quietly to try and entertain myself.

I knew I wasn't going to have any sleep, I hadn't so far. Eventually I fell asleep on the sofa, blanket pulled up to my chin and clutching my guitar. I woke some point in the middle of the night to a tap turning on. I sat up and looked to the kitchen to see Paul stood there with a glass of water.

"What you doing in here lass you should be on that mattress?"
He tried seeming nice but I knew he was up to something, I'm a lot smarter then he makes out.

"I couldn't sleep so I came here"

Paul put the glass down before walking into the living room. He picked up my guitar before smashing me round the head with it. I dropped onto the floor screaming for my dad. I could hear footsteps rushing down the corridor as Paul tried to seem like it was an accident.

"Rose you okay?" My dad asked approaching

"She will be fine. Fred go back to bed while I tend to her" Paul insisted

My dad rubbed my arm before heading back to his room. I began sobbing so hard I couldn't call out for him. Paul dropped down next to me and turned my chin to face him.

"Don't ever tell you father about any of this" Paul stood up "Or any of the others"

At that Paul walked back down the corridor and to my room. Luckily I know how to get to Rogers as I've been that many times. I wrapped myself in one of my dads coat, slipped on my shoes that were by the door and left.

My head still hurt and I knew I would have to get some ice to it soon. The streets were dark and I had to make sure I didn't trip. I was scared someone would kidnap me but the only person likely to do that would be Paul.

I took a turning and almost walked into a tree. I recognised the tree, it was the tree that signalled I was on Rogers road. I picked up my pace as my head began to make me go dizzy. I held the coat tighter around me as I broke into a run. Rogers house was at the end of the road and it was a long road.

After ten minutes I reached Rogers house before frantically knocking on the door. The living room lights were out so I knew Roger and Dominique were in bed. Luckily it wasn't long until Roger answered the door in his dressing down.

"Rose?" Roger questioned, his brow knitting together in a confused expression

I just threw myself at him and began sobbing. Dominique appeared but Roger signalled something to her before she headed into the kitchen. Roger managed to shut the front door while holding onto me. He took me into the living room and sat me down.

"Rose what happened?" Roger asked holding me close

"Paul's sleeping in my room in my bed and shoved me on the floor. He took down all of my posters and is making my room his. I ended up sleeping on the sofa hugging my guitar but when Paul found out he smashed the guitar round my head, and now I'm dizzy. I tried to tell dad but Paul sent him back off to bed" I sobbed the reply hoping Roger caught what I said

"Dom get an ice pack" Roger ordered as she walked over holding a cup of tea

Dominique returned with an ice pack before handing it to Roger. He held it to my head where I said as I sobbed into his shoulder.

"It's okay, stay the night"

He showed me to the spare room before leaving me to sleep. I couldn't sleep, the thought of what Paul did kept coming back. I ended up crying myself to sleep hoping Paul would go away and never return.

Rose Mercury-Austin Where stories live. Discover now