Since The Beginning

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A warm Sunday afternoon at the park. The best way for a three-year-old to enjoy the fresh air. At that young age, more and more kids begin developing their quirks. In the mid-afternoon, a young boy is playing at this park. His mother informs him that she will use the restroom. The kid nods his head and continues to play.

He continues to run around and play, until he discovers other kids. Three boys are surrounding one girl who is on her knees. The boy quickly realizes that they are bulling her, and quickly tries to help. He walks over to the bullies in an attempt to help the girl.

"H-Hey... leave her alone." The boy says. The bullies turn their attention from the girl to him.

"What's your quirk?" asked one to the bullies. His skin is a blue-green and he has three horns on his head; two from his forehead and one coming from the back of his head.

"I-I don't have one." He says hesitantly.

The bullies begin laughing at the boy. "Another quirkless loser!" said another bully. The bully holds out his hand as his fingertips fall off. They are connected to his hand by a black string of sorts.

"Leave her alone!"

"What are you going to do about it?" The last bully said. He begins blowing purple smoke out of his mouth. The boy begins to grow scared. From behind the bullies, the girl starts throwing rocks. The bullies turn back to the girl, but one of the rocks hits the finger bully in the eye. The bully doesn't cry but runs away before he does, causing the others to chase after him.

"Are you ok?" the boy asks. He looks at the girl to see if she is alright.

"I'm fine. Thank you. My name is Hapi." She has dirt all over her body.

"Hapi... My name is Joseph."

I've been watching you for a while

The leaves begin changing color and the temperature begins to drop. School has begun once again. Joseph and Hapi have managed to meet-up at the park again. They have become fast friends.

"I'm almost there!" said Joseph, who had challenged Hapi to a race around the track. He is running out of breath.

"I'll win for sure." Added Hapi, who is also running out of breath. Their focus is zeroed in to the finish line they created out of grass and leaves. As they pass the line, the fall to the ground to catch their breath. "Who... do... you think.... won?"

"I... think.... it... was a.... tie." They're both breathing heavily for a minute or two before talking. "Good game!" Joseph stands up and holds out his hand for Hapi to shake it.

"I was so close" Hapi stands up and grabs Joseph's hand.

The second they make contact, their quirks manifest. Hapi's hand slowly melts into a silver slime. She is terrified at first, but quickly figures out how to reattach it. Joseph's body begins to glitch as if he were in a broken video game. The two kids are ecstatic. They run back to their parent and tell them the good news.

I've enjoyed your trips to the park
The two find themselves at the park during their days off of school. Their elementary careers are just beginning, and they are learning so much.

"Look what I can do now!" Hapi excitedly said. She holds her hand out. Her hand transforms into the silver slime and falls to the ground. With total concentration, Hapi manages to move the slime without touching it herself. Joseph watches in amazement.

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