Catching Eyes, Matching Mine.

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Kaeya's P.O.V 
Albedo. The name never really came to mind at first, but now all I can think about is him. He peaks my curiosity for an odd reason. It might be his skills in alchemy, or his delicate hands painting pictures. Or it might just be that every time that we meet each other, we seem to lock eyes every so often. 

It's an unusual experience catching eyes with Albedo. I've started to notice things locking eyes with him from the past few times we have seen each other.  Every time that we doo he seems to loom away quickly almost like he was afraid of me catching at me staring at him. And, his eyes are almost the same color as mine, just a bit lighter. Like the clear blue sky of Mondstadt. 

Even though we have only been catching eyes, I have gone into some deep thinking about Albedo. Some questions like 'what does he think about me?' and 'does he like me?' pop into my head. I should know the answer by now since many people don't like me. Even my mask doesn't make me likeable, which is a shame. I made this mask to cover up for a reason and it seems that it almost backfired on me, but oh well, not everything can go right. 

As I walk to the fountain I see the boy that has been on my mind lately sitting on the edge. His sketchbook was out and he was drawing something with pencil. He looked amazing when he was determined. He always looks so graceful which really adds to his charm. I mean he has long hair that can go into a ponytail which is perfect for ladies that might want to play with his hair. He also has amazing blue eyes that anyone could stare into for hours at a time because of such beauty. He also seems to have such delicate hands with the painting he does which makes for really good hand holding and he could make paintings of his lover if he would like. Of course I noticed this stuff because I am observant, it's really nothing else besides me noticing such great things about the alchemist. 

His eyes seem to notice mine he jumps slightly before turning back to his sketchbook. I wonder what he was drawing because he seemed very dedicated to it like he might of been thrown off guard with my presence. I walk over and his body language shows me that he notices me but he never looks up once. 

I let my hand gently grab onto the sketchbook and tip it down so I can get a quick view. Albedo tries to snatch it back quickly but ends up almost falling back into the fountain. Fortunate for me, I was able to grab onto his wrist before he fell in and lifted him back up just in time. I then backed away a little to give him some privacy and he gives me a angry look. 

"My sincere apologies, Albedo. I simply wanted to see what you were drawing. I couldn't help but notice that you were so dedicated on what you were sketching from afar so I needed to take a look at it. I should have warned you before, so I hope that you can forgive me." I apologized to the blonde boy and he sighs. He nods that he forgives me and I grin. Maybe my mask does work after all. 

"I would not show you the drawing anyways. It is private to me and it is quite embarrassing to share my work." He turned his head slightly away from me and a strand of hair fell out of place. I wish to fix it but people might find it weird so I am going to have to restrain myself, which I am not that good at doing. 

"Please? I've seen a few of your pieces and they never fail to amaze me. You have quite the artistic skill, you know that right? You're pieces should be placed in a museum and seen by the children of everyone from near and far. They shall be admiring your work like I am just now. People will admire to be like you." I plead. What I am saying to Albedo is quite in fact true and not just a mask. I feel something different with his paintings then other ones I have seen. I can tell the emotion and dedication that went into his work. 

"Ah, well...will you promise to not judge Captain Kaeya. It is quite embarrassing, especially showing you..." He still wouldn't look me straight in the eyes and looked very nervous. Unless it's promoting something foolish I wouldn't judge it. And I know for a fact that Albedo isn't that type of  person so I am quite excited to see what he has created. 

I give him a nod as reassurance and he turns the piece towards me. It took me a second to realize what it was until I finally saw it. It was me in the drawing. My dark blue hair lying on my shoulder and my grin. My hands were on my hips and my eyes were looking away from the viewer. The shading was amazing and the lines were very intricate. My eyes felt like they were sparkling at the masterpiece in front of me and my eyes quickly dart to Albedo.

 "This is so amazing," It took me a minute to think of the right words to say such art but it was almost like there was none, "I don't know what to say. You have made me speechless, Albedo."

I give him a genuine clap and he looked at me in the eyes. I swear my heart almost skipped a beat when his eyes met mine. I forgot how beautiful they looked and right now, they look like a clear blue ocean. 

"Thank you, Captain Kaeya. You are very interesting to draw and I hope to paint this piece. I think it will really bring out braveness that you reflect. I know several people that look up to you." He gave me an innocent smile and chuckle. My remark about the mask not working was proven wrong. 

"Would you mind if I keep it after you finish painting it Albedo. Please sign it as well. I would like to frame it in my home so I can be reminded that such a talented person looked at me." I said in a half-joking tone and he nodded. He's so perfect. 

"Well, I will have to be heading off soon. Someone requested something for me and I figured walking around and taking a break outside in such a beautiful city would get me motivated. But truly it was you Captain Kaeya that built my motivation. So, thank you." He started to get up from the fountain and I felt a panic grow inside of me. I didn't want him to leave yet. I don't know when I will be able to see him again. It might be weeks and I just don't believe that I could even live through that. 

I quickly thought of something to ask, "Hey, Albedo, would you like to have a drink at Angel's Share tomorrow night. I heard there is going to be a deal and I would be willing to pay for our drinks. I just don't think I can live with the thought of not being able to see you again soon." 

He seems embarrassed at the proposal but nods, "I am free tomorrow so I will stop by. I will miss you as well, Captain Kaeya. See you soon!" 

He waves and turns away from me. I couldn't help but stare at him as he left, he was so amazing. Amazing enough to make me feel something different. Amazing enough to make me feel genuinely happy again.

Thank you, Albedo.

(1,322 Words) 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2021 ⏰

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