the meeting

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I didnt get sleep at all yesterday, i was too excited about the captain meeting thingy cause who doesnt wanna meet the captains of talented volleyball teams?? I guess i am lucky

I walked downstairs and started getting ready for today since the meeting is starting at 11 and im pretty sure its going to be held in tokyo so im going to meet daichi at the station


"Ohayo daichi san~" fuck, my voice sounded sleepy as hell. Im pretty sleepy but i gotta keep my energy up for today

"Eh? Y/n san did you not get enough sleep yesterday?" He looked at me while tilting his head

"Kind of? I was too excited for tokyo and researched a lot of stuff" i chuckled and yawned a bit

"Come on lets get to our seat" he said pulling me in the train

"Uhm daichi san i bought the buisness class ticket for extra comfort soo were in front" i chuckled sleeply

"EH?? y/n san.. fine, thank you" he sighed and smiled warmly as he pulled me to our seat

I sat down next to him and watched as the train move. I felt so sleepy so i decided to take my notebook out to read all the reservations and notes i wrote last night. But then i felt daichi put my head on his shoulder

"Sleep, you need to rest before we get there okay?" He smiled and took my notebook and put it back in my bag. I nodded slowly and drifted away to sleep


she looks cute sleeping like this, if only this moment could last forever. I wonder if that notebook was her diary? Should i open it? Agh why am i overthinking this. I should just rest too before we get there

I leaner my head on top of hers and slowly shut my eyes



is daichi leaning on me? Oh fuck okay calm down. I lightly shake daichi so he wakes up.

"ohayo daichi san" i chuckle as he woke up

"Were here?" He asked as he started to stretch his arms a bit

"Yup yes we are" i said getting our bags and walking towards the door

The meeting is held in a cafe not far from the gym there so we walked for about 5 minutes

"Y/N san, you can go in first, ill fetch the boys" he said lightly pushing me in the cafe

I walked in and ordered a vanilla milkshake (I LOVE THEM) i sat ij a table of 10 since if im not mistaken there would be about 9 people. I slurped milkshake then I CHOKED looking at the captains enter

oh my god

"Eh? Daichi san is this your girl friend? Shes so pretty" a guy with the red jacket came up to me, hes pretty hot ig

"Uhm im karasuno's manager-" before i could finish my sentence i saw ushiwaka looking at me eyes a bit widened

"TOSHI? I DIDNT KNOW YOU WOULD COME" i ran up to him and gave him a big hug as he hugged me back

"Oo? How do you know each other?" Daichi asked me as i pulled out of the hug

"Hes my bestie, since childhood" i said holding up a peace sign

"Ehem okay back to buisness, first i dont know your names so please tell me your names" i said looking at all the captains who now are sitting down at the table

MY PRINCE ♧ ~ haikyuu captains x readerWhere stories live. Discover now