Dont go 🥺

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Nobody's POV:

*in the car*

Zach: Well uh I- idk where you live...

Alex: o-oh right....  *gives address*

Zach: okay thanks...

Alex: *looks at herself in the car mirror* I- *sobs* I am worth less...

Zach: *stops car and pulls over* w-what's wrong?

Alex: it was so weird h-he was making me do thin-things......

Zach: *hugs Alex super tight*

Alex: th-thanks w-why are you so nice?

Zach: well my brother's girlfriend jade went through the same thing.. so me and my brother had to help her.... and then her and my baby brother fell in love....

Alex: oh I- I am s-sorry

Zach: no I am sorry you had to go through that.....

Alex: are you just trying to get me to have s** with you?

Zach: uh no no no why would you ask that?....

Alex: because I looked up what s** was a few minutes ago and I think that what me a Jaxx just did....

Zach: yea that's kinda it...

Alex: what d-do you mean?

Zach: well my mom taught me that if a woman says no to "doing it" and you "do it" anyway it's "r@ped"

Alex: I am s*** on the side of the road you use me then throw me out!!!

Zach: *puts hands on her face* you are NOT worthless s*** someone just took advantage of you...

Alex: *kisses Zach's nose*

Zach: ummm.....

Alex: s-sorry here just punish me for doing that... *takes of sweat shirt with nothing underneath*

Zach: *closes his eyes* ahhh I mean you are Beautiful but *puts her sweat shirt back on and te opens eyes* is that what he would do to you???

Alex: y-yes I just thought men were ALL like that

Zach: well some men respect women. Also if you ever feel like I hug you to much l-let me k-know

Alex: I like your hugs! *hugs him*

Zach: *hugs back* oh we are here at your house!

Alex: d-do you have a girlfriend?

Zach: n-no I don't we just broke up...... why?

Alex: well I don't wanna be alone tonight I am a bit scared it will happen again..... but if you don't want to...

Zach: if you want me to stay I will I don't have work tomorrow so....

Alex: perfect! *grabs his bigs hands*

*they get into her house*

Zach: you own this?? Whoa....

Alex: yeah but, Jaxx would hardly ever let me come home.... *in the kitchen she falls onto the floor*

Zach: are you okay?

Alex: n-no I can't get up...

Zach: f*** I mean sorry I didn't mean to cuss

Alex: I-it's okay

Zach: do you mind if I like Pick you up like a bride?

Alex: uhh sure

Zach: *picks her up like a bride* hehehe.... *awkward laugh* *puts her on couch*

Alex: *lays on Zach and cuddles with him*

Zach: hey can I ask you something?

Alex: y-yea?

Zach: do you always get r@ped?

Alex: n-no today was the first day he ever told me to "have s** with him" he will usually just having clean his whole house from top you bottom....

Zach: that's still pretty bad just not a as bad...

Alex: yea... he told me he was going to do "it" till I couldn't walk.... so I am not surprised.....

Zach: don't let any man ever do that to you... EVER

Alex: *says in sleepy voice* I wish you were my boyfriend....

Zach: ummm Alex?

Alex: *blushes super hard* I- am sorry.... I will have s** with you or suck your d*** of clean your house... idc..... just don't hurt me for having a crush on you...

Zach: I am not going to have s** with you well you are vulnerable. And no don't ever say "suck your d***" because a lot of me would say yes.....

Alex: I am sorry... you can hand cuff me to the bed and play with my boObs...

Zach: .... you are so messed up... let's just go to bed

Alex: so no hand cuffs thank you so much for your mercy...

Zach: o-of course... *hugs her tightly*

*they fall asleep on the couch*

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