Chapter 1

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(Y/N) = your name
(E/C) = eye colour
(H/C) = hair colour
(H/L) = hair length
(T/C) = tail colour
(f/C)= fur colour
(F/C) = favourite colour
(A/C) = any colour
(D/H) = dominant hand
(Y/N) is a unicorn, and her mermaid is a narwhal.

Third P.O.V.

(Y/N) is swimming with the dolphins, jumping and playing with them near Bygone Island. Suddenly a net dropped down on them, all the dolphins got away, but (Y/N) didn't. She got trapped in it, she started flapping her (T/C) tail to try and get out. The net started going up and (Y/N) struggled more. When the net was out of the water,-
"Well well well, what do we have here." Someone said, (Y/N) gasped as she saw Dr. Eggman smirking at her.

Dr. Eggman flew his eggmobile to his fortress and once they landed on the ground (Y/N) tail turned into legs.
"What have you done to me?" (Y/N) asked holding her shoulders while looking at her legs in horror, tears welling up in her eyes.
"Relax, your tail will come back when you touch water." He answered. He brought her into his fortress and threw her into a room and left.

Shadow's P.O.V.

I was called to G.U.N. HQ's head office, I was sitting in the chair as the Commander came in.
"Our spies saw eggman drag a unicorn mobian into his fortress, we need you to rescue her and bring her back." The Commander commanded.
"Wait, unicorns don't exist." I said confused
"That's why we need you to get her here." The commander explained.
"Understood." I nodded and walked out of headquarters.

Third Person P.O.V.

Eggman returned with a pile of clothes and set them on the floor.
"I expect you to be down in the main room in half an hour." He commanded, then left. (Y/N) inspected the clothes with confusion. The clothes were a (F/C) and (A/C) dress with black boots and gloves. After she puts them on she stumbles and falls trying to walk. (Y/N) decides to lean on the wall for support.

          "Ah, finally decided to join us." Dr. Eggman spoke. He pressed a button that moves (Y/N) to the center of the room, as she fell a glass cylinder went over her.
"What are you doing?" (Y/N) yelled.
"I'm gonna run some tests on you." Eggman answered. Just then there was a banging sound on the wall. He walked to his desk and pressed a button for the camera outside showing a red and black hedgehog spin dashing into the door.
"Why is that blasted hedgehog here?" Eggman yelled. Soon after he said that the hedgehog burst through the door making Eggman scream.

"Shadow, why are you here?" He yelled.
"I'm here to rescue the unicorn!" Shadow explained. (Y/N) looked at shadow with pleading eyes and put her (D/H) on the glass.
"Oh no you're not, robots ATTACK!" Eggman yelled. Some motobugs and beebots came towards Shadowas he got into a battle stance. He spin dashed into all of them within seconds and walked up to the glass cylinder.
"Cover yourself." Shadow said to (Y/N), she did as he said and he broke the glass with his foot. He picked her up and ran to a safe place in the woods.

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