Chapter 3

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

(f/C)= fur colour

The Next Day

          I woke up and saw the fire out, I then noticed Shadow wasn't at the entrance to the cave. I sat up and dusted the dirt off of my (f/C) fur as I looked around. I crawled to the side of the cave for support as I walked to the entrance and Shadow was nowhere in sight. As a twig snapped startling me he came out of the bushes with more logs. "You startled me!" I said.
          "I got more wood for the fire, stay in the cave I'll get us something to eat." Shadow spoke to me with a stern look.
          "Ok." I whispered. When he turned around I crawled back into the cave.

A few minutes later I heard lows crashes and the ground was shaking. All of a sudden Shadow ran into the cave.
"What's going on?" I asked frantically.
"Eggman found us, we need to move now!" He answered while picking me up.
"Is he after me agai-"
"Oh Shadow, where are you hiding that little unicorn?" Eggman laughed as he interrupted me.
"Does that answer your question?" Shadow asked, I was too afraid to answer. Eggman then peeked into the cave.
          "There you are, hand her over hedgehog!" He shouted.
          "Why should I?" Shadow asked, glaring at him and backing a step away.
          "Why would I tell you?" Eggman sneered.
          "Then forget it." Shadow yelled as he jumped up and kicked Eggman's mobile out of the way. The hedgehog landed outside and ran deeper into the forest.

          After a while of running he slowed down and set me under a tree, although my arms didn't want to unhook from his neck.
          "Let go." He said.
          "No, what if he finds us again or someone else does?" I said as I looked into red eyes with my (E/C) ones.
          "No one's going to find us, I ran to fast for anyone to catch up." He explained.
          "Just don't leave me again, please." I pleaded.
          "I won't, I promise."he spoke softly. I slowly took my arms from his neck and he stood up. "I'll have to teach you how to walk." Shadow suggested.
          "Yea that would be best." I whispered. Still shaken up by the whole situation.
          "First we need a safe place to teach you, and I know just where that is." He stated as he picked me up and started running again.

Sonic's P.O.V.

          I was laying on a tree branch relaxing until I heard a rush of wind coming in my direction. I looked down to see Shadow standing under the tree holding what looked like a unicorn. I jumped out of the tree and landed in front of them. "Yo Shadow, who's this little lady?" I asked
"This is (Y/N), both Eggman and G.U.N are after her." Shadow explained.
"Say no more, come inside." I said as I walked in the house and holding the door for them. "So Shadow why do you need help anyways, don't you like to go solo?" I asked
"I would but she can't walk, if I need her to run while I fight she can't get away." He answered as he sat her on the couch when he started walking away she grabbed his hand.
"Where are you going?" She said in panic.
"I'm going in the other room, I need to talk to him privately." Shadow replied.
"You promised you wouldn't leave me." (Y/N) said with tears in her eyes.
I knelt down in front of her "Hey, no one's gonna leave you, if you want I can get someone to keep you company while Shadow and I have a talk, ok?" I asked as I tried calming her down.
"Ok." She whispered.
I stood up, ran up the stairs till I found Amy, "hey Amy, I need you to watch this girl Shadow brought over, she's afraid to be alone. I'll tell you more later." I explained.
"Of course I will." Amy says.
"Great, she's sitting on the couch, Shadow and I need to chat, so just keep her company.
"Ok." She smiled and headed down stairs. Once we got down stairs I introduced Amy to (Y/N) and took Shadow out of the house.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

When the blue hedgehog left, a pink hedgehog named Amy got closer to me and sat down next to me.
"Wow, I've never seen a unicorn before, where are you from?" She asked.
"Um... Not from here, that's for sure." I said nervously. "You wouldn't have heard of it." I added.
"Just name it, and let's see if I know it." She said.
"Can we just not talk about where I'm from?" I asked, feeling a little uncomfortable.
"Oh, yeah, sure." She spoke a little taken aback. "Sorry, I can be a little forward about things." She apologized.
"It's ok." I said.

Sonic's P.O.V.

When Shadow and I went outside he went straight to the point.

After he told me everything that happened I was shocked. "G.U.N. was going to put her into a tank of water, I'd be freaking out too." I stated. "What should we do?" I asked.
"We need to find a place for her before G.U.N. finds her here." Shadow spoke.
"Find who here?" A certain bat hung upside down.
"ROUGE!!!" Shadow and I yelled.
"Settle down boys, I'm not here to take her." She flew down. "Shadow, I am here to warn you, they're on your trail, where ever you're going to hide her you need to do it now!" Rouge warned.
"Where are you thinking, Shadow?" I asked.
"We need to get her off the island." Shadow answered.
"Yea, but where too." I asked. "I got it!" I said as I pounded my hand with my fist.
"What?" Shadow asked.
"Amy has a vacation house on an island somewhere." I answered.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

After a few minutes the boys came back in with someone else.
"Amy, pack your things, we're going on vacation." Sonic said.
"Why so sudden?" Amy asked.
"G.U.N. Is closing in on us, we need to hide (Y/N) and the perfect place is your vacation home.
"Sonic, what's going on. Why is G.U.N. After her?" Amy asked all confused.

Time skip

"Oh my gosh!" Amy yelled. "I'll go pack right now." She said as she went up stairs to pack.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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