Chapter 2

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Third Person P.O.V.

          Shadow placed the unicorn under a tree when they were far away from Eggmans lare. He pressed a button on his communicator.
          "I rescued the girl."
          "Good job Shadow, now bring her back to headquarters." Said the Commander.
          "Understo-." Shadow was cut off by (Y/N) starting to wake up.
          "I'll call you back."Shadow exclaimed turning off his communicator. He kneeled to (Y/N)'s level when she opened her eyes.

"Where am I?" The unicorn questioned.
          "In the forest." Shadow answered, he stood up and took a few steps."Lets go."
          "Go where?" She asked. Shadow just stared at her and signalled her to follow him. She stood up gripping the tree, she took a step and fell. He walked over to the unicorn and picked her up.
          "Sorry, this is my first day walking." (Y/N) said. Shadow just stared at you with a questionable look.
          "What do you mean?" He questioned.
          "Never mind, I shouldn't have said anything." She gasped.

Shadow's P.O.V.

I still looked at her like she was insane, I mean how can this be your first day walking. After a few minutes of running We finally got to G.U.N.
          "We're here!" I exclaimed. I walked into the building and into a room where the commander is.
          "Finally you're back, and you brought the girl." The commander said "follow me, I'll show you where you can put her." He continued. I followed him out of the room and into another room with a big tank full of water. The unicorn started squirming in my arms to the point that I almost dropped her.
          "Put her in the tank." The commander ordered.
          "No, let me go, let me go." She yelled and started hitting my chest.
          "Understood." I said, gripping her in my arms more so she doesn't fall.

          As I walked up the stairs an agent burst through the door.
          "Boss, where do you want me to put these?" He asked. He brought in a table of equipment.
          "Over there." The commander pointed near the tank.
          "Are you going to experiment on me?" The unicorn asked looking horrified.
          "We need to see what you are and what powers you possess." He answered.
          "Don't let them do this to me, please!" She stayed pounding on my chest, and for this I stopped.
          "You're really going to experiment on her?" I snarled.
          "Shadow, put her in the tank!" The commander yelled.
          "Why?" I asked getting pissed at this point.
          "Your job was to bring her here, nothing more." He said.
"Will the experiments kill her?" I asked, gripping the girl tighter.
"Well, um, that's none of your concern!" The commander spoke unsurely. His answer angered me. I took out my emerald. "Shadow don't do thi-"
"CHAOS CONTROL!" I shouted.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

When the flash disappeared we were in the woods again. "Thank you." I said.
          "Don't mention it, it'll get dark soon we need to find shelter." Shadow stated. He looked around and found a cave. "There!" He said.
          "We're sleeping in a cave?" I asked.
          "Yes, it's not much, but it'll do." He said as he started walking towards it.

After Sunset

We were in the cave and Shadow was rubbing two sticks together when all of a sudden smoke came up. When he blew on it something orange flickered up, I scooted back.
"What? Never seen fire before?" Shadow questioned rhetorically.
"Fire?" I questioned. He had a weird look on his face, then he stood up and walked over to me and guided me to the fire. I was hesitant at first but then let him guide me.
"Put your hands up near it but be careful not to touch it." He said while guiding my hand near the fire.
"It's warm." I said
"Where do you come from?" Shadow asked. I was a little taken aback and froze.
"I......I can't tell you." I said.
"I should get to bed" I said as I cut him off. Taking the hint he nodded.
"I'll take watch" he said and went to the entrance of the cave and stared out of it. I laid down next to the fire feeling a bit homesick but tried to fall asleep anyways.

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