Part 1- The Beginning

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"War never changes, regardless of the era"

The Year of 2875. It was a bright Saturday morning, in summer, in the northern hemisphere. Cool breezes flow North, filling the Indian Ocean with winds. In the midst of these winds, a small yacht sails, gracefully pushing the water aside with a gentle force to move forward, and in the yacht stands a young, plump Indian, looking slightly younger than his fifteen years. wearing black and yellow horn-rimmed glasses, with scruffy jet black hair, and wearing a light blue shirt with blue trousers and shining black shoes. He recently got the rank of a junior naval sailor at the nearest Azur Lane base in the small island of Diego Garcia.

"I wonder why we're being sent to such a small island. I mean, I thought they'd give me somewhere in the Nicobars or the Andamans, or maybe the Maldives, you know." He said to an approaching woman.

"Sir, you got a post on this island because all the other naval posts are already being underuse. Now, please excuse me, for I have to attend to other people, too." the woman said so and left, in a rather hurriedly fashion. He could clearly understand that having an Indian as a commander was something that was not of high acceptance to others. 

Having no one to talk to, he went to the side of the yacht and manoeuvred his eyes to meet up the distant horizon, where the sea and the sky seemed to hold hands with perfect uniformity.

After a few silent hours, the yacht arrived, not at the island, another large fortified island. The headquarters of the International Naval Commander Association(or INCA) stood tall, boasting of courage and power. Utterly confused, he asked someone where he was. However, establishing communication with an Indian was something no one liked, so everyone kept maintaining a distance from him. This hurt his feelings a lot, and he already felt a feeling of hopelessness dawning upon him.

But this time it was different, he wasn't a pessimistic, shy child anymore. He quickly straightened himself, forced a smile and went inside the ominous black pillar. 

It was crowded, heavily. People wearing naval outfits, some of which were blue, some black, and some white, were displayed in such a sight that was pleasing to see. The fifteen-year-old was mesmerized, by these outfits. "I'll get to wear one of the outfits too, after whatever the hell this is". He thought to himself. Nevertheless, he entered the fortified pillar. It was beautifully decorated, with blue, white and green balloons hanging from the walls. A tall, big chandelier was hanging from the ceiling, illuminating the whole hall, with its fiery light. The boy seated himself on a chair, on the eighty-seventh row, for all the others were full. Disappointment strikes back when he saw others laughing and giggling with their friends, or family, or relatives. His choice of life as a naval commander was his choice fully, and nobody else volunteered to join him. The idea of being involved in a war was an opinion everyone hated, even his parents. An argument broke out between him and his parents, which, after heavy discussion, he won, with only the condition that he maintained daily contact with them, to which he agreed. "I'm not that good in studies, I'm trash in sports, I suck at giving speeches" He murmured under his breath, assuring himself that he chose the right path. He sat there for a while, while others seated themselves.

The program began. Through the large TV, he saw many people marching to the stage and assuming the position. A big, manly figure dressed in a greatcoat with a blue and white striped tie came onto the stage, and announced, with a loud, bass voice,

"Ladies, and gentlemen, we welcome you to the 94th inauguration ceremony of new sailors, to the International Naval Commander Association!". Claps rent the air, ear-deafening. The man continued, "Those, who parted with their family and friends, those who gave up the safety of their homes, those who chose to risk their lives to defend our homeland, Earth, it is those who are now seated beside you, watching me and the stage, waiting to be posted on naval bases. Let us heartily welcome these people, on to the stage!". The boy saw people rising from their seats, heading towards the stage. He did the same too, for he didn't want to be missed out on the action. One by one, sailors filled the stage. The boy saw millions-no, billions of people rising from their seats taking pictures of the new sailors. He felt lonely again, this time because no one came except him because the fare to the island was too expensive. "Mother and Father said that they'd watch me through the TV" the boy spoke to himself and waved towards the crowd awkwardly, especially towards the news cameras, hoping that his parents would see him. 

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