The First Mission

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The Year of 2600. Admiral Schwetenberg, aboard the freshly built USS Arizona, a heavy cruiser, was cruising through the North Pacific Ocean at about 45 knots, her quintuple 207mm main guns gleaming brightly under the reflection of the sunlight. Schwetenberg, with his crew, were sent to drive away a few Chinese fisher boats that had entered the ocean. 

Schwetenberg, wearing a pearl-white, suit with a white and black cap, was looking out of the windows and staring out into the open horizon, looking out for the fisher boats. Just then, Vice Commander Grant Vergrough, in a black uniform and a black cap, came close to Schwetenberg with a few files in hand.

"Admiral, here are the notes you were asking for," Grant said.
"Thank you very much, Grant." the Admiral continued, "Any update on the boats?"
"No Admiral, no such updates," Grant replied.
"Alright, carry on your search, and anything weird should be immediately informed to me," The Admiral said.
"Yes, Admiral" Grant saluted and left the cockpit.

The Admiral turned back towards the windows, keeping a keen eye out for any boats.
Within seconds of looking, red flares shot up into the sky, miles away. The Admiral, noticing it, quickly ran to the intercom and phoned Grant in the communication room. 

"Grant, I need intel on the-" Admiral said, but was interrupted by Grant.
"Admiral, I apologise for the rude interruption, but the red flare was from USS Minnesota," Grant said, in one breath. Giving no space for the Admiral to speak, he continued,
"Admiral, Minnesota has been critically damaged. We need to head there immediately"
USS Minnesota was a rebuilt light cruiser of the original USS Minnesota, which was earlier scrapped. The ship was commanded by Admiral Terence Deiter, the most skilled commander of their nation, along with Vice Commander Saffer Greyjolt, Comms Expert Gregory Alfred and Demolitions Expert Henry Friedrich, all of whom represented the pride of the American nation. With the coordination of these people, Minnesota became a terror for the other nations, for they were found there most of the times. Having found Minnesota in danger, Schwetenberg knew the problem was more than just fatal. Ordering Grant to call in reinforcements from America, he quickly announced to the already baffled crew members aboard Arizona to assume battle positions and turned the ship hard starboard, towards the red flame. 

Moments later, one of the crew members yelled, "ENEMY SPOTTED!".
The Admiral quickly rushed to the window, and asked, "Is it the Chinese?"
"No sir, it's..............something else?" The member himself sounded very confused.
The Admiral grabbed his binoculars in a rush and zoomed out on the red flame. 
"Holy heck, what are these?" The Admiral muttered to himself. Just then, an explosion occurred in the front of the ship.
"Sir, our front turret's damaged, it can't move!" One crew yelled.
"Load the others up! Armour-Piercing rounds, let's give these f**ers a taste of their own medicine!" The Admiral yelled. 
Exactly eleven seconds later, all main guns except the front turret fired, causing the ship to tilt portside. The Admiral anxiously looked out with his binoculars, hoping that they'd hit the target. But oh! All the shells exploded mid-air, causing a cloud of thick smoke to cover the battlefield. 
"What happened?" The Admiral asked. 
"Sir, something shot them midair, causing them to explode." A crew member replied.
"YES, BUT WHAT HIT THEM?" The Admiral was furious. 
"We are unsure of that, sir." The member replied.
"Keep searching. Make sure the air and the underwaters are clear." The Admiral said, trying to really hold back his anger.
Three seconds later, another salvo fired. But again, they were shot and exploded mid-air.
Eleven seconds later, another one fired but met with the same fate.
When their ship was reloading, the enemy fired a salvo. The Admiral, noticing it, quickly ordered to steer in a zig-zag fashion. They were able to fend off any incoming shells, but three hit them, taking all the front turrets out of order, and causing giant fires on the ship deck.
"AHHH!" The Admiral lost his cool. "Send the repair party to extinguish the fire, now!"
"Sir, the enemy managed to take out our repair party."
"I'm afraid we can't"
"Sir, the fire's spreading! If it reaches the ammunition room, we'll be done for!"

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