Getting Past Denial

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He didn't know why he was attracted to her. She was definitely NOT his type, but she was.......interesting, to lightly put it. One moment, she could be smiling and laughing, the next she could be telling him to go to Hell. She was complicated, yet not, at the same time.

Girls were dramatic, emotional, and mean! They were nice and they held nasty tempers. But, this one girl, she was mysterious and she bemused him more than any girl he knew. She layered herself, and each layer he removed, he had to try to solve the other one, each harder than the next.

Yeah, she was pretty. Maybe even beautiful. She never tried too hard to be pretty, she never attempted to be beautiful. But, she was beautiful in her own way. That was one of the many things that set her apart from everyone else.

She was smart, incredibly smart, yet she never boasted about it. He could see the gears shifting in her head whenever she was working on schoolwork or when she was reading. He could see her mind being transported to another realm through the book in her hands.

She didn't have much of a figure, not like any of the other girls he had known. It wasn't like that she cared.
She talked with everyone and befriended all of his classmates.

She looked like an everyday person, but he could always find her in a crowd, by how she shown brightly without being a beacon.

He always found his thoughts drifting to her for some reason. She caused him so much emotional trauma; it almost killed him, yet it revived him at the same time. He always told himself not to let his hopes spiral too high because she probably didn't feel the same for him. He wasn't her type. Yet, he hoped, just a little, that she felt the same as he did. Sometimes, he had to fight the rising hope in swelling in his chest. Sometimes, he would have to cut fanatasies short in order to keep himself under control.

At night, he would stare at his ceiling, in the dark, trying to sort out his feelings. He didn't like her! Outrageous! He HATED her! She wasn't even his type! He was constantly in denial whenever she was around. She was like a light, and he was the bug attracted to it, almost like a magnet. The worst and part was that she was completely oblivious to his feelings towards her. Completely innocent, not knowing what types of feelings he harbored for her.

She caused him to FEEL so much. He discovered many new feelings when she was around. She, the beautiful girl, was the source of all of his internal battles. A way to win back the heart she unknowingly stole from him seemed impossible, but he had to find out soon, before his dreams and hopes were crushed.

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