How to Deal With These.....Feelings

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He really didn't know how to deal with the fact that he was in love. She, the light of his life, was way out of his league. He needed a strategy for whenever she was around.

Would he act stupider? Not a choice. Would he try to impress? Most likely. Would he be an absolute fool? Yes, yes, and yes.

He decided to keep the feelings inside, knowing that if the stress of keeping pent up emotions might explode.
But, he couldn't resist wondering if she liked him back. He couldn't resist daydreaming of holding her hand or kissing her. He couldn't resist thinking about her. She could never get out of his head.

If he tried to focus on one thing, his mind would always drift towards her. He would be well aware of what he was doing, but it felt like his subconsciousness would always be thinking about her. Sometimes he hated it, sometimes he loved it.

He could never really cope with these strange new feelings. Not in a million years. She was yet again the object of his crazy emotions. And he, yet again, had no clue how to get her out of his head. Sometimes, he loved that fact. Other times, he resented that fact deeply. 

He sighed, wondering how he was going to get his sorry heart out of the emotional ditch he had dug himself.

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