5 times Steve Rogers silently watched as Tony stark Hurt Himself

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Tony stark doesn't takes shit. Steve knows that but he can't help but notice that sometimes, in small ways, Tony just takes the hit . Not in fights where his decision changes lives of others but in matters where his happiness is compromised, In small things.

You lay on the bed

Sleeping sound

I tip toe to the edge

To announce

"Goodnight mi amor,

As I may never be found"


It's a movie night, Steve swears on his shield that he loves his team but not when they go feral over who's turn it is to pick night time entertainment. Times like these ? He just feels like strangling them.

"C'mon Clint" Bruce sighed "Tony wasn't here the last few movie nights, he missed more turns than all of us collected, be the bigger person and let him choose"

Clint huffed and crossed his arms over his chest "not my fault that he can't make time for us"

Steve winced, he knew Tony was trying his best to juggle between SI, being Ironman, his funds, charity, and god-knows-what-not, he knows Tony tries to spend every spare second with the team because they are family, he can literally see the pain and guilt flashing on Tony's face everytime he has to leave the team when he promised that he wouldn't , he knows Tony loves them but he has other responsibilities too and frankly, without Tony, they all wouldn't even have a roof over their heads. so, he really doesn't blames Tony for not being around and so shouldn't Clint.

Before he could scold Clint for being insensitive, Tony waves it off "let him Bruce, wouldn't want a crying birdie nesting in the house"

Clint gives a triumphant grin and turns on a chick lit that Steve couldn't care less about, he has bigger things at hand, like how Tony slowly and stealthy empties his bucket of Popcorn into Clint's already empty one as an apology, for not being around.

I step back as you lay

I am sorry, you didn't get a say

Dropping a kiss on your head

I make my way

"Goodnight mi amor, stay happy

Even if I am away"


Late Saturday nights, who doesn't love those ! Staying awake till 6 in the morning, having fun, playing games, getting drunk and then sleeping in late till your body feels like it. PERFECT !

But not if you are an avenger who was just called into a mission.

The team —or at least whatever they can be called without Ironman and Thor in there— groaned and suited up to fight the villain-of-the-week.

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