Fire Resistance

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Fire Resistance- when drank, the user is immune to fire for the time being.

Item Needed: Magma Cream*

Magma cream is found in the Nether when a magma cube is slain.

Fire Resistance tastes like cinnamon.


Effects described:

  When fire resistance is drunk, the user will start to see orange, red, and yellow for the first 10 seconds. Afterward, the user's vision will clear. When drank in the Nether, the user will feel warmer than usual, especially when in fire or lava. When drank in the Overworld, the user will only feel a warm feeling in their stomach. 

  When entering lava or fire with a fire-resistance potion is drunk, the user will feel surrounded in warmth. Even when you have fire resistance, do not open your eyes in lava until out or surfaced. This can cause permanent damage to eyesight. Also, please refrain from breathing. This is just like normally being under ocean water. Don't breathe it or let it in your eyes. Fire resistance only keeps you from being burnt.

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