Chapter One.

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Not many people know who I am, many believe I don't exist. Sometimes I wish I didn't. It wasn't the fact my life was bad, in fact I quite enjoyed it but living in the shadow of my brother has always been a problem I've tried to escape from. He was favourited by all, to the point I believe that my own mother forgets about my sometimes. Although it could be classed as a good thing as its always kept me motivated, in many ways I'm more advanced than my brother. Mother would never notice though; Nick will forever be the only child worthwhile. Growing up I was put through immense training, had to pass all my physical skills before we started on my magic. First was combat, then we moved onto weapons training. Guns and knives were fun but I'm more of a hands-on fighter. This way, I did not need magic to take people out. Technically I am a failed experiment, or so they think. My mothers always been interested in dark magic too the point it consumed her, trying to force the lifestyle on to me. Now dark magics fun but you have got to learn to control it, not let it control you. Mastering dark magic by the age of 11 was not enough for her, so when she laid her hands on the power stone a couple of years later, I was to be 'upgraded'. You would think she'd want to use it on herself but with the unknown outcomes of the stone she was afraid. Only afraid for herself. Me on the other hand, well, it was just the matter of how much I could handle. I consumed the power of the mind stone, but the power was too much. I was out for 2 weeks. When I re-awakened no one was around, turns out the power used by the infinity stone alerted others of its where about's and alerted some sorcerers. My mothers had trouble with them before. That is how I met Stephen, though he wasn't from our timeline, he used the time stone to travel back, yeah, I don't know how it works either. Then the big secret began, I never trusted anyone, not fully. Especially not some, know it all sorcerer. Don't get me wrong he was lovely and the week he stayed with me, we got along. I could not risk it though, you see everyone believes what they see and when they saw I gained no power from the stone, well they didn't think I had any. I felt it inside of me, slowly coursing through my veins but I pushed it down, I have always pushed it down. The truth is, the power I posses scares me, it would have scared everyone around me. Already being cast out I could not risk being all alone. It also gave me comfort knowing my mother would not just use me for my powers.

Chills ran up my spin as I heard a knock on my door. I knew exactly who it was, yet it still frightened me.

"Come in," I said calmly, hearing my door slowly creak open. I sit up on my bed and turn to face the door. She gestures for me to stand up and follow her. Before I can even respond she's gone. As I stand up, I check my appearance. I hadn't left my room yet today, the slight glow on my face from the oils that have escaped my pores. I remove the hair tie that's tangled around my hair, allowing my brunette hair to fall down to my waist. Apparently, I look a lot like my mother when she was my age. Unfortunately, I don't know who my father is, my mother never told me, according to her it was all a big mistake, but she always mentions how I get my intelligence from him. I slip on a hoodie before swiftly leaving my room.

As I walk into the living room, I see my mother sitting with her legs crossed, softly patting the space next to her, welcoming me to join her. We never had that nurturing relationship you see mothers and daughters having, in fact we hardly ever talk. The only conversations we have is when she needs me to do something, it was never anything big but her being over 300+ not only slows her down but she isn't that physically strong. You'd never guess her age though; she uses certain magic to keep her looking youngish. She could pass for a 40-year-old, don't tell her that, she believes she looks younger.

This time felt different though, once I sat down, she had a subtle smirk smear her face. I knew whatever she needed; it was a mission that excited her. Which, if you knew her, nothing excites her. For a split second I thought Nick may have returned from New Salem, but my mother would be with him not wasting her time with me.

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