Chapter Two.

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Tears blurring my vision. I see a second silhouette sitting at the desk centring the back window. Maybe he's in the middle of a meeting, he didn't have anything scheduled. We checked. So, who could it be? Turning back to look at Mr. Stark, wiping the tears from my eyes, he looks me up and down.

"Pepper, darling, can you leave us be for a while please?" As he speaks the person sitting in the chair swivels round and stands up, finally I recognise her face. Pepper Potts, Mr. Starks Girlfriend and the Owner of Stark Industries. I always thought she'd have her own office, maybe she did and was just with Mr. Stark.

"Of course, if you need anything just ask," and with that she kissed him on the cheek and left. He gazed as she left then brought his attention back to me. Striding over to his desk and sitting on the edge of it, he waved his hand at a chair in an attempt to offer me a seat. I took his offer graciously and sat down with my hands delicately placed on my lap.

"I'm guessing you have some magical wiggly woos," he had a little chuckle as he finished the sentence. I smiled back at him sincerely.

"Erm. Yes. Magical wiggly woos, you see I got experimented on about 5 years ago, with an infinity".

"Stone!" He finished my sentence but less out of excitement and more out of fear. You could see the colour drain from his face whilst he looked at the floor licking his lips. "Well, do you know what stone".

"Yes, the power stone, the purple one" I make it simpler as too not freak him out too much, I need him calm around me otherwise he'll keep second guessing.

"So, what brings you here?" Looking into my eyes, waiting for a response.

"Well, I've been hidden away from the whole world since I was experimented on, as not to be a danger. It was so lonely," I begin to cry again "You see I've always been a witch but amplifying my powers like this was dangerous, they risked my life."

"Who's they? If you don't mind me asking" Lifting a box of tissues in front of me in a way to, comfort me, I think.

"Just my mother, I had to get away." I return my gaze back up to his face, trying to read his emotions. I could never read minds like Wanda, but I've always been able to read energy and emotions someone was experiencing.

"So, can you control these powers, considering you've always possessed a certain amount of them?" He began pacing around the room.

"Too a certain extent yes, I can do basic things, like energy force fields and balls of magic etcetera." A little swirl of purple light spins between my fingers as I show Mr. Stark, "Since I was little, I went through intense combat training and weapon training, whilst also being taught how to enhance my durability, I'm a fully trained assassin." My gaze lingers at my feet for a second before joining his eyes again "The Power stone has not just enhanced my strength but my powers as well. Now I have energy absorption and manipulation. Also, I can manipulate the elements. I just don't understand the true extent of my powers and I can feel it growing stronger daily, I'm scared that if I don't get it all under control, I may hurt someone, and I've heard about your avengers' program. Obviously, I'm not asking to join the team but maybe you would be willing to help me." I smile at him as he stops in his tracks. He takes a second to think before responding to me.

"Would you be willing to join the avengers, by all means I'm happy to help and it is your choice, but your heart seems in the right place and you sound like your powers could be something amazing to work with," He crouches down in front of me, in a way to plead with me yet, I haven't denied.

"I'd love to, thank you for this opportunity Mr. Stark" as I accept, he stands up and I join him. Holding my hand out to shake his to commemorate the deal but instead he hugs me. I've never been hugged before; I had this weird sensation. It was nice, he smelt nice with a bit of sweat mixed in though, but it comforted me. It was over as quickly as it began. He pulled away but his hands stayed latch to my shoulders as he looked down at me. "It's Tony."

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