Chapter Three.

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Barnes? That's Barnes. Tony wasn't lying when he said he wasn't the talkative type, though I don't think we got of on a good start. I hope he doesn't take the, me hanging him up in the air, personally. Let's try and not haven anymore awkward introductions like this again please. Quickly, I pull myself together before leaving my room and heading for the elevator.

Stepping inside, shaking all the nerves out of my body.

"What floor?" FRIDAY asks.

"Ground floor please." Steadying my voice as I spoke. This was it, No turning back. Once I've met them all, the plan really is in action.

I sense them, I can feel their presence as the elevator stops on the first floor. It's not a magic thing, more of an intuition. As I step out of the elevator I watch as all heads turn to me, I instantly look for Tony's face to reassure me. Luckily, he's sitting there with a warm smile on his face. Standing up as I begin to approach them.

"Everyone, this is Audelia," He announces proudly. He brings me next to him and wraps an arm around my shoulder. I raise my hand to give a slight wave as I put a smile on my face.

"You're not going to fly away again, are you?" Steve laughs a little as he stands up and approaches me, a smile stays plastered on his face.

"Can't make any promises, Steve" I chuckle a little whilst returning his smile, he pulls me in for a light hug. Then pulling away and standing the other side of me, I'm now squished between Tony and Steve.

"Let me introduce you to the team," First he points to his left where, a man stands, he can't be taller than 5'9, he gives a light smile as Steve continues. "This is Sam Wilson, or the Falcon."

"He likes birds" Tony interrupts, "Like really likes them" He nudges me a little while laughing.

"Hey Audelia, I've heard you enjoy flying as well, maybe we could enjoy the sky together sometimes," Sam suggests as he roles his eyes at Tony.

"Okay, bird man," I couldn't help myself but to make a joke.

"I knew I liked this one" Tony smiles, whilst patting me on the head.

"Next we have," Steve averts my gaze to the man sitting next to Sam. "Colonel Rhodes".

"Call me Rhodey, it's a pleasure to meet you Audelia" I shoot him a smile. "I'm not usually around a lot, so I'm glad you decided to join us today."

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Rhodey." I respond to him as a soft smile shows on his face.

"Now we have Peter," Steve points at someone sitting on his phone. "Peter!" Steve raises his voice a little, whilst chuckling.

"Kids and their technology," Tony laughs a little.

"Oi, Mr. Stark sir you're not any better" The boy says whilst sliding the phone into his pocket, he quickly springs up from his seat and walks over to me. "I'm Peter Parker, nice to meet you Audelia" he takes my hand and begins to shake it.

"Its nice to meet you as well Peter, how's school going?" I place my free hand on top of ours to try and stop him from shaking it without being harsh.

"Its going good, I recently got an A* in Chemistry" his face lights up as he speaks, "Wait, how do you know I go to school" Shit.

"You look about 16, also Tony called you kid. So, I'm guessing you're not older than me and considering I should have finished school about a year and a half ago, that would mean you are still in school?" I had to come up with some bullshit, and I'm guessing this worked.

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