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idk felt to put a tw so
tw: violence

Lambeth North
23:07 pm
Delilah's POV

"We should bill another one." Latz suddenly puts in to the air, getting up to pat around his pockets. Meanwhile I'm literally sat on my hands to stop them shaking. I haven't looked up from my lap just yet, I fear he'll see it on my face.

"How bout that?" He asks me.

I swallow hard then lift my eyes to meet his face. "Yeah, I mean yeah." I clear my throat as he starts looking around for what I guess is a lighter. I immediately think to message Abigail, but my damn phone is nowhere to be felt or seen. Then my heart stops when I remember I left it on his kitchen counter. My brain starts spinning in circles, and all I can think about is how I'm gonna leave this crib. What the hell was I thinking? I watch him near the chest drawer and I feel my stomach literally drop in to my arse. Suddenly I wish I never snooped. I wish I just never knew, but now I fucking do and have no idea how to soft approach an exit out of this fuckery.

"Never cared like that for quiet ones." He says, stood grinding up what was left of the scores by the open balcony door. "Then I seen you and can't lie I'm intrigued."

How the hell did I end up here?

My heart is literally smacking around the inside of my ribcage, but slowly, I push a smile across my face. My brain comes up blank for words for like three seconds, then I regain my entire self awareness again and the shit I've actually put myself in. "Intrigued...why?"

"I just am." And he proceeds to elaborate on how different I am to other girls, especially Abigail and all the while I'm just crippling on the inside. Kicking myself over and over again for not minding my damn business.

"It's something about," He briefly pauses to lick and seal the wood, staring at me. (a/n FORGIVE me I know nothing about rolling up) "High eyes on a pretty face." He lights it, pulls and passes it to me. I feel essentially choiceless so I take it and do the same. And about a minute later, it kicks in and I'm able to pool my fleeting thoughts. My heart slows a little bit. Soon enough it's near impossible to pretend I don't feel Latz's eyes rolling over the bare bits of my body, and with the way he sits to gently palm my thigh he makes it more than obvious what time it is.

I practically freeze to stone.

"What am I thinking about?" He asks lowly.

"You tell me."

He breathes in and then out through his nose, biting into the flesh of his bottom lip. Then he lifts his hand to gently cup my throat, and I can't begin to explain the fear I felt. I stop breathing altogether when he pulls me in, directly face to face and I inwardly accept that he's gonna kiss me. I just hope its dim enough to hide my face.

I don't think I've ever been so frightened in to complete stand by mode. But I literally don't know what to do. So I just let him pin my throat in to the mattress, then he skims over my ear and goes. "I'm thinking about why you was looking through the drawers."

His grip fastens so suddenly tight before I can even gasp, that burst of breath now caught and stuck in my throat. Instinctively I go to pry his hands off my windpipe but there's no point even trying. "No no shhh." He says softly. "I told my nigga you're too damn quiet, it makes sense now." He grins, flashing his gold tooth.

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