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Royal National Orthopedic Hospital8:17AM

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Royal National Orthopedic Hospital

The clouds are thick set today but feel thin. Glum enough to rain by the looks, but not to the touch. Daylight pummels hard through the circular opening of rooflight although the clouds are parted and it suggests that sporadically, they just might. And to my un-surprise with the several minutes that pass us, shadows begin to harden and surfaces begin to glare.

The mezzanine openly overlooks the widespread space of several stationed people, assisted and exercising independently throughout. Some are wheelchair bound and some are full-body braced. Some are prostrate and others supine. All permanently infirmed along the paraplegic spectrum and funny enough; over time as you watch them in their world, you learn your pity should be left at the door.

From where I'm stood I catch the occasional movement of clement chatter from the nurse's mouth. Tricky's lips however are rolled in tight whilst unbeknownst to our arrival, his clench cemented around the 12ft dual rods either side of him. Having objected at her first inkling of assistance, he insists entirely on his core to fix himself up for each 10 second interval. Every now and then, his entire face crinkles up to bend his ligament by a half inch. And there's not a prem championship, Euro or World Cup Final i've ever watched that can reckon with the sort of triumph that belted through me at the sight, all from behind my resting face.

Ramone prefers his back turned for most of the half hour we have been watching from family and friends. He is merely posted up and occasionally fidgeting from my peripheral with his back against the paneled railing. Eventually, it brings me to redirect my stare. He picks both shoulders up to drop them limp. "I've tried, I just can't watch." Then removes the floss-pick from the wedge of his ear.

The upper half of Denise's face is shrouded by the shade of her cap. But the considerable, significant ease in her approach for us is much of a relief. "He's always up first thing for his restorative therapy." Her hand singularly compartments her latte cup and phone, the other on the railing as she climbs the mezzanine's uppermost steps. "I'm like babe, they're there to help what are you doing? He doesn't wanna hear it." She titters. Gradually, we straighten off the railing as she observes between us. "I doubt they're wrapping up till at least..." She rears her wrist out the hollow of her hoodie to read her apple watch. "Half nine I think. Let me just tell him you're-."

"Na, it's calm we're on the move anyway. You're good yeah?" I ask Denise as sincerely as I hope she sees I genuinely am. By the slight flip of her mouth I can tell she's beginning to. Then she abruptly shrugs and goes to prop an elbow on the paneled rail. "His MOA came back last week, I was off work and they'd rang me, an MOA is when they look at your whole skeleton. Said his MOA came back poor and that he'd need esko...I dont even know what they're called." For the minute or so of amiable conversation we've had, I can already gather she is a candid hand-talker. Ramone watches equally as enrapt as she talks on. "Like a fullbody brace cause he could just about sit up. They said, sorry he's going to be lifelong dependent but we'll carry on with therapy for his wellbeing and stuff. So..." She pauses as if to ponder before us in real time. "I just went home. And when I got home I ain't even..." She wags her head left to right and chuckles in to herself. "I just started cleaning. I'm starting to think God is real." She buggers at us as she actively, carefully forges words together. "That's more Anthony's thing really his Mum is very religious. But, then I don't know I just got overwhelmed by everything. So I started crying then his Mum calls me. She's like, Denise you were on my heart during prayer this morning, and I kept seeing Jeremiah. But she says that a lot, that she sees things. Like with her spirit, through dreams and stuff. So im like, aww why aunty? She says, I don't know. But have you read Jeremiah? Im like no aunty who's that?" Denise facepalms. "She said go to it darling, It's in the bible just go to it okay thirty one and sixteen."

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