Chapter One

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Summary: The land of Faerun is just one of Chuck's many realities, as is Middle Earth, and Kenshin's Meiji era Japan. He's been toying with Kenshin, Drizzt, and Fili, and Kili just like he toys with the Winchesters. Now, as the Winchesters rebel against him, he's decided to bring them all together for one final showdown.

This is a dungeons and dragons style story of eight companions traveling Faerun, looking for a way home and encountering many villains.

Summary of Part One: Hannah is desperate to save the elves who took her in when she was stranded in Faerun four years ago. Meanwhile, Drizzt, who has only been on the surface for a few months is desperate to find acceptance, though he finds rejection as no one can see past his drow heritage, that is until he meets a wandering samurai who shares his principles and the two strike up a g friendship. And miles away, the Winchesters meet Fili and Kili, two other brothers who agree to help solve the mystery of the underground dwarf kingdom.

Pairing: Castiel/Hannah. This will be the only romantic pairing as this fic will focus primarily on platonic love and brotherly love. The characters will be Drizzt Do'Urden, Kenshin Himura, Sam, and Dean Winchester, Castiel, Hannah, and Fili and Kili.

Fandoms: Rurouni Kenshin, Supernatural, The Hobbit movie verse, The Legend of Drizzt Dark Elf Trilogy by R. A Salvatore (I own none of these)

Warnings and tags: fandom typical violence, major canon character death!! massacres, blood, and gore. Racism (racism between non-human fantasy races). Tags may change as the story progresses as I haven't planned details for that far ahead. Note that this story does fall within a canon timeline, it is AU. For Supernatural, it takes place shortly after the events of s15 e03 "The Rupture." For the Hobbit, it takes place after the battle of the five armies except for an alternate ending in which Fili and Kili survive. For Drizzt, it takes place during the early events of the book "Sojourn," and for Kenshin, it takes place after his fight with Shishio in season two of the anime. Although for Kenshin, this will be a blend of the anime and the live-action movie trilogy.

Disclaimer: Of course, I don't own The Hobbit or the Forgotten Realms works and this work is solely for enjoyment!

Chapter One

"How long will they pursue me, Guenhwyvar?" Drizzt lamented as he peered down into the ravine to see the small band of adventurers who had been on his trail for days. No matter how he tried to evade them, they pursued him, spurred on mostly by a large burly human and his dog.

That human wanted revenge on Drizzt for their encounter which had ended the life of one of the man's dogs and had left him without an ear. Drizzt hadn't wanted to hurt him, and it pained him to have to kill such a loyal companion. After all, where would he be without Guenhwyvar? His faithful black panther had stayed at his side and accepted him where no other had.

But the human had left him with no choice. He'd been cornered and forced to defend himself. His need for acceptance and his distaste for violence hadn't yet extended to the idea that he should sacrifice himself to such principles.

After all, he'd avenged the bloody murder of the farming family, a murder scene that he still couldn't get out of his head. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw the terrible slaughter, the children dead in their beds. 

As Drizzt stood on the lip of the ravine, peering down at the humans, shrouded from their view by a copse of trees, he imagined himself being accepted by them. If only they could see past his drow heritage. Belwar the gnome could attest to that. Of course, it would help if Drizzt could speak their language.

The sun was beginning to set and Drizzt was getting tired. He was still wounded from the barghests. His chest ached, although the bite of pain was less than it had been before. He was healing, but he continued to walk with a limp.

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