new look

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You had ripped your only tshirt. Naruto had bought you ramen but your sleep kept falling out of the safety pin.

"This ramen is wonderful." You thank Naruto.

"Of course it is, ikirakus ramen is the best in the world" he sups on his ramen, "uhh. You need some new clothes."

He gladly lends you some money. His little frog purse. So cute, especially when full. You looked at yourself in the mirror at the clothes store. 'Look at me' you think 'my hair is tangled. My clothes are ripped. Is this what I have been left to do... look like a begger.' You frown.

The woman in the store was so nice. She was very welcoming. She let you try the clothes on that you wanted, of course you had to pay for the clothes. You bought a fosh net top that fit perfectly and had short sleeves. Then your bought a (colour) top that didn't go past your belly button. You bought a matching (colour) skirt.

You had cuts and scratches down your legs from living in the woods. You bandaged yourself up. The nice old woman brushed your (h/c) hair for free. You braided it across the crown and left the back free. You looked like a completely different person and you liked it.

You were leaving the shop when you saw Naruto and Neji talking. They both saw you and you blushed when they camr towards you.

"You look wonderful (Y/N)" Naruto tells you.

"Wow... ive never seen anyone look so nice" Neji says. You look at him. Your face turns bright red and you faint.

Naruto wafts his hands over you. Naji puts his hand behind your head to keep you from hitting your head. You opened your eyes. 

"Neji..." Naruto was right.  You were in love with Neji.

Falling in love with a hyūga -x readerWhere stories live. Discover now