its not your fault

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Takemichi's POV

I was tapping my foot uncomfortably. It's been twenty minutes, why hasn't Mondo shown up to this party yet? He said he'd be here in ten.

He's the one who wanted to talk, isn't he? He told me to go here. Dammit why's that guy so confusing.

There was a tapping on my shoulder. " 'Michi? Snap out of it will ya?"

"Huh?" How long was I in my thoughts?

He's one of the older gang members, been around since the early Daiya era I suppose. "I said whaddya lookin' so nervous for? You're usually talkin' and checkin' in on everyone."

"Right!" I stopped tapping my foot. "My bad. I just can't find Boss, he said he wanted to m-talk, about that new school he just got accepted into."

If Mondo only wanted to meet up with me, this has got to be a private discussion.

"Ah, gotcha. He's upstairs on the roof. Been 'ere for a while now."

"Wait, he has?"

He nodded. "Yeah, guess you missed him or whateva. Anyways I'm sure he's waiting."

I nodded back to him and headed towards the back of the building to go upstairs, the noise of the party fading off.

I made it up to the roof after a couple more seconds, and opened the door to the balcony. There Mondo was, standing a little too close to the edge of the roof.
I get he's reckless and everything but still...

"Bo-Mondo! Move from there!" I covered my mouth after yelling that--I could've startled him off the edge.

Instead, he didn't move. He stood with his back faced towards me and his hands in his pockets.

"Don't worry, I ain't jumping or anything like that."

"I was more worried for you falling, Mondo."

He mumbled something to himself and shrugged, still not looking towards me.

Is he gonna talk to me at all? Why's he faced over there?

"Anyways. What did you want to talk about? You could've texted me you know, I have a phone and all."

"Ain't talkin' in person more professional or somethin'?"

"So this is an important conversation, I'd guess?"

Mondo still had his back faced towards me. What is up with this guy?

"Yeah. It's important." He responded after a couple moments.

"I'm all ears then, go for it."


No response from him. I saw his mouth open like he wanted to speak, but he stayed quiet again.

He hates when I do this, it's the only way to get him to listen, though.


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