Return to Sky High

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

The alarm blared and I swiftly banged the 'stop' button before stretching. Everything was so peaceful; the sun was filtering through my slightly open curtains, the birds were tweeting, and- Oh my god it's the first day back at school!

I tore myself out of bed and ran across the landing to wash my face, splashing the water on it furiously in an attempt to wake up. How I could possibly have forgotten what today was, I'll never know- we'd done enough prep for it! I guess when you've had so long off, it just seems like another day.

I dashed back to my room and sighed. Thankfully, Past Me had been kind to Present Me and had laid out an outfit to throw on to avoid the last-minute 'everything looks terrible on me' panic.

I quickly changed out of my pyjamas and sat down to start my makeup, turning on my phone to play the upbeat 'Back 2 Skool' mix Layla had insisted we all listen too (although, I'm sure you can tell that Zach was the one who named it...)

When I was ready, I grabbed my bag and went to head downstairs. Passing by Will's slightly ajar door, I could see him frantically hopping around trying to pull one of his socks on before he lost his balance and fell in a heap on the bed.

He caught me looking and the expression on his face that read that he was already done with today told me, "Not one word."

I snickered and started down the stairs, my nose perking up at the smell of... bacon

"Mom, you're actually the best," I commented, throwing my bag down and giving her a hug as she scrambled eggs.

She laughed and kissed my forehead, "Hey it's not everyday your kids go back to the superschool they helped save from falling out of the sky. I had to give you guys a proper send off!"

She handed me my plate and I hurried over to the table, spotting Layla outside the window and beckoning her to come in.

"Just offer her juice," I muttered to Mom before she came through the front door, remembering all too well Bacongate of last year's 'First Day of High School'.

Mom nodded furiously, already pouring an extra glass.

"Morning!" Layla chimed as she came through the door.

"Morning," Mom and I both replied; "Juice, Layla?" Mom added.

"Sure! Thanks," Layla gladly took the glass and sat down next to me.

"This is so weird! I've got deja vu!" she said, eyes widening.

"I mean we were going to have to go back at some point, but I get what you mean," I replied between mouthfuls, "After so long just relaxing and doing fun stuff, it's weird to be heading back."

"Hey, Layla!" Will wandered in, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead as he went to grab his plate from Mom's outstretched hand.

The smile on her face as she mumbled back her greeting, looking absolutely starstruck, made me grin. After so long of fawning over my brother, and after the Gwencident of last year, it was so nice to finally see her so happy.

"Do you think it'll be different?" Will asked, sitting down.

I just shrugged as Layla offered an answer, grabbing his outstretched hand as he stabbed at his food with the other; "I think it'll definitely be different without certain people there."

"Yeah what even happened to those guys?" Will pondered, "I know we mentioned them last night but I never quite knew where they went."

"Last thing I heard, they'd been in that Detention Room for holding until they could be transported somewhere else," I muttered.

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