Alone Time

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When the bell finally rang for lunch, practically every student in the huge hall breathed a huge sigh of relief. As necessary as this clearly was for the new programme Sky High wanted to use, sitting and watching an audition-style reveal of every single person's powers was very draining.

It had started off fine. Apparently Caveman could control electricity, so that was neat. Then there was the guy that turned invisible, a girl who could heal quickly, two identical twins who could set their hair on fire at will, there was a wall-crawler, a girl who could manipulate her own bones, a guy who could camouflage... the list went on. Needless to say, though, that after person number 20 had showcased their power, the whole school was kind of fed up of 'Sky High's Got Talent'.

"I'm starving," Will complained, rubbing his stomach as we all headed towards the exit.

"Honestly, I've been missing cafeteria pudding so much," Ethan admitted, "I am so pumped for this!"

"I'll catch up with you guys," I said, when we'd made our way out into the corridor, "I really need some air after being cooped up in that gym all morning."

They all nodded in understanding, said their quick goodbyes and headed off. Except Warren.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked.

"Please do!" I replied with a smile.

He offered me his hand which I gladly took, intertwining our fingers and revelling in the heat his always seemed to emanate. We sauntered away from the crowds of students battling to get to the cafeteria first, and headed outside to the school grounds.

"Fresh air!" I gasped dramatically as we opened the doors.

Warren chuckled, "Drama queen."

"Honestly, I get why we're doing this, but today is going to be so boring if all we do is sit and watch people stand up for 20 seconds, show their power and then sit back down."

He nodded in agreement; "This whole 'pick your own groups' thing could very easily become cliquey as well," he added, throwing in a shudder for effect.

"Well duh- it's High School!" I laughed, "At least we've already got ours sorted."

"Who says I'm going to be on your team?" Warren raised his eyebrow, "Maybe I fancy being put with Caveman."

"Oh shut up," I threw my head back in laughter; "You could literally have the group you're already known for kicking ass with but fine, you go to Caveman- I'll take the wall-crawler in your place."

"Like hell you will," he chuckled.

"At least Will's actually going to have something to show for Power Placement this year, though!" I remembered, "Still haven't made that comment to him yet."

"Yeah- shame you'll have one less power to show," he replied, shaking his head in mock disappointment.

"What do you mean?" I asked, a confused smile on my face.

"Well we all know you can't really teleport, you just say you can and-"

"Give over!" I laughed, hitting his arm lightly.

"Do you know what?" I continued, letting go of his hand, "I'm going to do it, just to shut you up."

"Right now?" he asked, smirking.

"Right now. I'm going to show you."

"Then show me," he teased, opening his arms in a go-on gesture.

I felt the whoosh of air around me as I silently teleported to the tree at the far end of the school grounds, then I teleported to the bus stop where Ron dropped us off, then I teleported to the school entrance, and then I teleported so I was stood right behind Warren, as quiet as a mouse.

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