Life In Danger (Levi Ackerman)

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"Hey you."

You turned your head to the side.

"Mmph? What?" You weren't in the mood to be messed with today.

"I haven't seen you before. You're new. Who are you?"

You were surprised he decided to talk to you, no matter how blunt he was. He was a mysterious one- that's for sure.

"(f/n). (f/n) (l/n). That all you wanted?"

His face was a blend of boredom and anger.


You shifted in your seat. Somehow that conversation had made you feel uncomfortable sitting next to him. He seemed so...dangerous.

"What about you?" You asked, trying to help this unsettled feeling around you.

He raised an eyebrow, the rest of his face remaining almost expressionless. "Your name." You said, looking him up and down. He wasn't UNattractive.

"Does it matter?" He asked coldly, giving you an unnerving stare.

"No," you replied, looking down and carrying on with your maths worksheet. Fun stuff. "But this is how small talk works, right?"

You heard a 'Tch' and looked over at him.

"It's Levi. Happy now?"

You smirked a little. Nobody ever dared to talk to him, but here you were, socially awkward you, having a half-conversation, half-psychological war with him. Levi. It wasn't a name you heard a lot, but this school was full of weirdos. You were slowing finding that out.

"Oi, brat..."

Was he talking to you? And did he really just call you that?

You looked up at him, your eye almost twitching with anger.

"What?!" You retorted, a little too loud. The whole class looked back at you. A guy with a weirdly horse-like face shot you a wink before turning back around with the rest of the class.

Levi narrowed his eyes at you.

"What's this answer?" He asked expressionlessly whilst pointing down to a question.

'Holy hell. What is that? Japanese or something? It's like another language! Since when did algebra get so damn hard?! Oh crap! He's looking at me funny... Or funnier than before anyway. There's no way I can do THAT! Uh-oh. I've been silent too long. Say something, quick!' Your thoughts were a mess.

You felt a sudden surge of confidence; before you knew it, words came spilling out of your mouth.

"What? A smart-ass like you can't work out a question like that?" You had a smirk plastered to your smug face as you crossed your arms and turned in your chair to face him. Your brain still hadn't caught up with what you had just said.

His eyes widened, showing full grey orbs. His body lurched backwards in his chair, as if you'd just surprised the hell out of him. His teeth clenched and his face showed anger. Severe anger.

Oops. You done fucked up now.

"Oooooooh! Has Mr badass Ackermann finally met his match?" A familiar voice cooed mockingly from in front of you. Hanjii (one of your many new ((but weird)) friends stuck her tongue out at Levi, who grunted at her.

"Stay out of this, shitty-glasses!" He said menacingly, shooting her an ice glare.

Hanjii giggled and turned back to her work.

"Wow," came another voice from in front of you. It was Eren. "You must really be something special, (f/n)!" He blushed, realising what he'd just said. "O-oh! I mean, you know, for Levi to not have killed you yet!" He snickered to himself.

"Give it time, Jäger..." Came Levi's response as he gained a small smirk and continued with his work.

You gulped audibly. Eren mouthed a 'good luck' to you before turning and continuing, well, starting, his work.

Pencil shaking in hand, you attempted to focus your mind on algebra instead of your impending death. You did NOT think calling him a smart-ass through.

"Ow!" A pencil hit you in the side of the head. You picked it up and slowly looked up to find the culprit. Damn Ackermann.

"This is how you kill people? Death by pencil?" You asked sarcastically, returning his stoic look. He smiled a little. Only a little, but he actually smiled.

"Tch, of course not." He said, breaking eye contact for a moment. "But you don't have to worry about finding out how I do..."

Confused, you tilted your head to the side.


"Hmph. Seems like you're no smart-ass either." His smirk grew wider, while you only grew more impatient. "Here, I'll spell it out for you: I'm not going to kill you. Get revenge for making me look like an idiot in front of Jäger and Hanjii? Sure. But I won't kill you. I...think I like you."

Your eyes widened and a deep blush formed on your face. Almost immediately you heard Hanjii's voice.

"*gasp* Leviiii! That's great! You finally like someone! And such a sweet girl too! Just don't ruin her for me!" Her squeal was so high pitched that it almost hurt your ears. "So when's the wedding? Dibs on bridesmaid!" She clasped her hands together in excitement, eyes twinkling through her glasses.

He stuttered. Mr calm and collected stuttered. "S-stay out of this, four eyes! And for your information, I meant nothing like that. I just meant I like her more than I like you, and that's not exactly a high bar to reach."

Hanjii feigned offence. "How could you say that about me, Levi-chan? I know you love me really!"

Levi looked like someone had just insulted his great ancestors. Angry. Pissed. Terrifying.

"What the hell, Zoë? I'd love Jäger before I loved you!" Eren blushed. Hard.

Hanjii gasped again. "I knew it! You two should totally go out!" The stars in her eyes were back.

Levi's eyes opened wider as he slammed his fists down on his desk and stood.


"What love life?" You heard someone shout from the front of the classroom.


You were in hysterics. Were these guys always like this?

It was that moment that the teacher returned. 5 minutes of chaos and tears later, the classroom was quiet again.

"Look," Levi began in a hushed tone, "I don't mean I like you that way. I don't feel that way about anyone. I just mean you're less shitty than the other brats here, you got it?"

You nodded, a genuine smile on your face. The worst day had turned into one of the best.

"I'm glad that's clear. There's only 10 minutes of lesson left. You're spending lunch with me."

He went back to being his stoic, blunt self.

"Oh, but I promised Hanjii I'd spend lun-"

You stopped talking when you received yet another glare.

"Spending. Lunch. With. Me." He repeated.

"Okay. Yep. With you." You said, beginning to fear for you life again slightly...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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